When two dance the Paso Doble, the dance of the bullfight, the man becomes the bullfighter, and the woman becomes the shadow of the bullfighter, the cape. You have to trust the one you love and love the one you trust, so that you can counter the bullfight, and overcome all the challenges in life.

Contest Master, fellow shadows and bullfighters.
Last year, I knelt down and asked Helen, my true love, to marry me and become my life partner. When she said yes, I became the luckiest man in the world. However, I soon realized that marriage is when a man loses his bachelor’s degree, and a woman, earns her master’s degree.

Who is the boss in my house? the woman.
Who does the cleaning the man!
Who does the cooking the man!
Who earns the money- the man!
Who spends the money-the woman.
My money is her money, her money is still her money!

When I was young, I always complained about my mom because she just couldn’t stop snoring, and I prayed everyday “Helen please don’t snore, please don’t snore ”. And then...guess who snored!

After the proposal, it’s wedding planning!!! As a dancer,of course I got to train my fiance , my true love, how to dance.

“Honey can’t we just do a few simple moves, your moves are so complicated, I don’t want to faint after the dance.”
“Baby, you just need more practice, Trust me, I was born to dance, remember?”
“Ok, fine….”
The shadow of the bullfighter wasn’t listening,
and soon the two love birds became angry birds.

Baby why do you have to spend so much money on a wedding dress, don’t you known we are tight on budget?
I know but Honey it’s a woman’s dream to put on a beautiful white gown once in her lifetime, right?

So? choose a cheaper one, or find one that’s easier for you to do those dances move.
Dance moves, why do you care so much about your dance moves!
Of course I care , I am a dancer!

But I am your fiancé ,have you ever cared about me !

The shadow of the bullfighter disappeared. I felt defeated , and I asked myself, “do I love dancing more than I love Helen?”

Whenever I have a relationship problem, I always go to my dad for advice. He’s been married to my mom for 40 years.

Dad, I am so dead, what should I do?

“Son, remember how your mom always snores?
“Yeah dad, how did you survive all these years?”

Listen son, on our wedding day, your mom and I promised to love, to trust, and to take care of each other. So Whenever she snores , i feel safe, because I know she is still breathing. I am reminded of our promise , and she “ALWAYS TRUST ME” to honor that promise.
When you understand the meaning of trust .
You will understand the meaning of love.

The words from my dad kept haunting me. As I went back home, I picked up the cape. Ladies and Gentlemen, can you see the word “us” in the word “trust”?

I was a selfish bullfighter because I only care about one person in my relationship - myself. Have you ever care more about yourself than your true love?

Remember, Trust the one you love , and love the one you trust . it's not about me, it’s about us!

When two people trust each other , they will conquer the bullfights, not just in the dance of Paso Doble, but also in life, and in love.

I am sorry Helen, please forgive me, dance was my first love, but you are ..my true love.

We hugged, we kissed and we ….dance the Paso Doble ... together .