What are you hiding? Do you you wish you had less here, more here? Do you hide what¡¦s in your heads or your hearts? I feel your pain. There¡¦s something about myself I haven¡¦t always been open about. I¡¦ve wrestled with it day in and day out, but the time has come for me to put it out there once and for all. Everyone, I¡¦m bald.

Okay, not shocking. You¡¦re used to shiny hairless heads, but there was a time when I wasn¡¦t. I¡¦d look in the mirror hoping to see Brad Pitt, but all I saw was Bruce Willis.

Contest chair, Normal people, with normal people¡¦s hair, I used to be like you. I¡¦d see a bald man on the street, and say, ¡§That¡¦ll never be me.¡¨ But now I¡¦m bald.

Losing my hair was like losing a family member. It took time to get over and there was lots of emotions.

I¡¦ve felt them all; denial, bargaining, anger, depression and finally acceptance. Wade, you can¡¦t be afraid of who you are. (you¡¦re bald, and that¡¦s okay.)

I can¡¦t change how much hair I have, but I can change how I think. After a long process, I can stand here today and say, ¡§I¡¦m bald, and I¡¦m proud.¡¨ But, Bald pride didn¡¦t happen over night so, let¡¦s go on a bald journey to see how I arrived at where I am today.

It was my second year of high school when I started losing hair. What were you worried about in High School? I was worried about friends calling me names like, Grandpa or Baldy, I tried everything to keep my hair. Exercising, taking pills, using expensive hair creams, I even stopped brushing. None of it worked.

So I went to a doctor hoping he would hold the key to keeping my hair.

But, oh no.
The doctor is bald. I came for help, how can he help me?
The doctor asked, ¡§Wade, are your relatives bald?¡¨ ¡§Yeah, my father, grandfather, and uncle, he¡¦s really bald.¡¨ ¡§Wade, you have bald genes.¡¨ Bald genes, bald genes.
My genes are bald. If my genes don¡¦t have hair, what hope do I have? I was going to lose my hair.

At first, I was bald shy, I wouldn¡¦t admit I was losing hair, even to myself. I tried to carry on as best I could. Ladies, I even went the hair salon from time to time.

What was I thinking? Every snip of the scissors was another piece of hair gone, and who knew if it would ever come back.

I tried covering up my hair loss with hats. I had every hat you could think of. But I realized something. People weren¡¦t seeing me, they were seeing my hats. I was letting the thing I wanted to hide, define me.

My uncle, the really bald one, told me ¡§Wade, you do whatever you want, but if you can¡¦t be open about it, it¡¦s not good.¡¨ This wasn¡¦t good.

Why was I hiding? ¡§Wade, you are a bald man, just like your uncle is a bald man, and your father, and your grandfather. It doesn¡¦t scare them, and you can¡¦t be afraid of who you are either.¡¨ Enough, ¡§I¡¦m bald as hell, and I¡¦m not going to hide it anymore.¡¨

That night, I got my clippers and shaved my head clean. Do you know what happened when I introduced everyone to the new, bald me? Nothing. My friends didn¡¦t laugh or call me names. The world didn¡¦t stop just because I was bald. Why was I so worried?

Going from bald shy to bald curious changed my life. Whenever I see a bald man on the street, I give him the secret handshake only bald men know. And when my students ask me, ¡§Teacher, Where¡¦s your hair,¡¨ I say, ¡§I¡¦m just so smart, there¡¦s no more room for hair on my head.¡¨

Being bald doesn¡¦t scare or embarrass me like it used to. I know I join a long line of successful bald men. My uncle, Vin Deasal, even Dananjaya. All proud, bald men. Heck, Taiwan wouldn¡¦t be what it is today without bald Premier Su Zhen-Chang.

Again, what are you hiding? I tried to hide, only when I opened up did I learn something. You can¡¦t be afraid of who you are
Whatever it is you¡¦re hiding, you¡¦re still a person. Bald, fat, what you keep inside, embrace it. Be true to yourselves and show the world what matters most is the pride in your hearts. I have bald pride, what¡¦s your pride?
