Imagine having only three days left of hope. You want to cry, but no more tears could run down your eyes. You feel alone, tired and scared.

Contest master, ladies and gentleman, when you think of the letter L, what do you think of?
Has life ever demanded you to be brave?

L is for love. When I married my husband, Steve, we were so in love. We went to the movies, we traveled and we {love}, so we have two little girls. Life was good.

But life is unpredictable, too. One day Steve had the flu and had to stay in the hospital. Since childhood, he had minor liver problems. He called from the hospital. ¡§Hi, honey! How are you? Not so good. Why? You need a new liver?!!!

Thousands of people die from liver diseases every year. I didn¡¦t want my Steve to be one of them. But I had only three days to find him a liver. Now L was for liver. But how could I find him one? A liver wasn¡¦t exactly something I could buy at the supermarket!

I wanted to donate but the doctor said no. Steve was 120 kilos. For all of you in North America, that¡¦s 264 pounds. [pause for laughter] So I was too little. Steve got his liver disease from his mother, so no one from his family could help. That meant I had to beg everyone in my family. I begged my brother, but he just had a baby. I begged my cousin. He accepted, but later disappeared. Everyone was so afraid of the surgery. Steve went into a coma. I was losing hope.

Friends and family came to say goodbye.

After everyone left, Steve¡¦s room was soooo quiet. I gazed at my angel (look at Steve). He looked peaceful as he was dying before my eyes (look at Steve). I didn¡¦t know what to do (look at audience). Our youngest girl was only five months old (look at audience). She was too young to lose her father (look at audience). As I looked at him, his only response was his breathing machine (look at Steve). He¡¦s telling me he¡¦s still breathing. I will give him MY LIVER!

So I rushed to the doctor. Please test me! I have NO ONE! Doctor, I¡¦m his last chance!

In three hours, they told me. I was a match! Yes!

On my way to surgery, my father took my hand. ¡§Do you know the risks of this operation, young lady?¡¨ ¡§You have two baby girls! You---could---die.¡¨

Ladies and gentlemen, what would you do? Actually , the death rate for liver donors is less than one percent. Everyone was just so scared to have the surgery. Not me. L is for love, because love always conquers fear.

So I told my father, ¡§I¡¦ll be back and tell my girls that I¡¦ll bring their father back, too!¡¨

After the surgery, I found a big scar on my stomach in the shape of an L. I thought uummm¡K I¡¦m definitely making a speech about this! L was for liver, love and my family¡¦s life.

Three days later, Steve opened his eyes. He smiled at me and I said, "Hi honey. That¡¦s MY liver is in YOUR body. But don¡¦t worry, you¡¦ll find a way to pay me back!¡¨

It¡¦s been three years since the surgery. Steve and I go to the movies again, we travel and we {love} more than ever (whisper with hand at side of mouth).

Lupytha Herman said, ¡§When life gives you something that makes you feel afraid. That¡¦s when life gives you a chance to be brave.¡¨ My liver showed me that I was brave. That I could conquer my fears.

Ladies and gentlemen, when you hear that message of fear inside yourself, don¡¦t listen to it. Be brave. Sometimes we have to fight against the odds to discover what we are capable of.

Now when I think of the letter L, I think of liver, life and love.

Contest master