Slow slow, quick quick and slow    .慢、慢、快、快、慢。(跳舞的節奏)

Dancing is not about the tempo, or the movement, what it really needs is passion.

Life, is like dancing- sometimes it’s a passionate chachacha, sometimes it’s a serious tango, and sometimes it’s a slow waltz

But no matter what kind of dance  you choose to do in your life, you should always enjoy it, with your heart.  

Contest Master, fellow toastmasters and guests.

When I was young, I had to study hard to meet my parents’ expectation, but I didn’t like to study, and the more they tried to compel ,the more I want to rebel.

One Friday night, tired of studying, I escaped to my favorite park. There, i saw a beautiful young lady, with an angel’s face, and a devil’s body, teaching people how to dance. I looked at her, she looked at me, and my heart started, boom boom. She came up to me and asked, “hey handsome , would you like to dance?”.
一個星期五的晚上,讀書讀累了,我逃到我最喜歡的公園。在那裡,我看到了一個擁有天使臉孔和魔鬼身材的年輕小姐,在教人如何跳舞。當我看著她,她看著我時,我的心臟開始,嘣嘣的狂跳。她向我這走來,伸出手問道:“嗨! 帥哥,想跳舞嗎?”。

I was only 15 , I have never touched a girl’s hand before.  I felt nervous.
But the moment she held my hands in hers and taught me how to dance the basic chachacha, oh my goodness I could feel the energy and the enthusiasm. I felt like I was born to dance!   
但當她握著我的手,教我如何跳基本恰恰時,噢! 我的天啊! 我能感受到活力和熱忱在手中縈繞。我覺得我天生就是要跳舞!

We all started dancing as babies and we moved like this…….. but then one day we stopped. Have you stopped enjoying what you love to do?

We got busy , we were afraid , and sometimes we stopped believing in ourselves but I was lucky, I didn’t stop, I continued dancing.

For me, dance is not just a form of movement, it also allows people, even babies, to have fun and express who they are. Through dancing I have found my passion for living. I was born to dance, what were you born to do?  

As I danced more, my ego took over, and I started to take dance very seriously.  The day of the dance competition I felt nervous and excited. I had been practicing day and night because I wanted to win, I wanted to be the best in the world, and I wanted to get a standing ovation from the audience.

When it was my turn to dance, I stepped,  I swung , and I moved with the music.

I felt good! I believed I would win the competition. When the result was posted , I arrogantly  walked to the announcement board , and checked my place. I looked , I searched, but I couldn't find my number.

I didn't even place! I worked so hard for this moment…... That's it, I quit!
I will get an office job, like everyone else. Screw dancing.

My teacher, saw my frustration, tapped me on my shoulder ,”Jason, sit down!
Why? I hate this competition, why stay here and suffer!
Calm down Jason, just watch!

A spotlight shone on center stage. I saw a 90 year- old man, dancing a waltz. It was slow, it was smooth, it was beautiful. When he finished,  everyone gave him a standing ovation. That was my dream.

“Jason, look at him. he didn't even compete, yet he received a standing ovation.  Don't dance for trophies ,dance because you are born to dance. The real trophy is in your heart, not in your hands.”  

Ladies and Gentlemen,I believe all of us is born to do something extraordinary.

I was born to dance, but my arrogance and ego, stopped me from enjoying it. But after seeing that last waltz from the old man, I realized that life isn’t always about winning, it is about doing what you love, and loving what you do.

Life is like dancing. When we were young, we all danced the passionate cha cha cha. As we grow up, we started to dance the serious tango, with our ego . Perhaps, we should all learn from the old man, and dance a beautiful slow waltz.


Remember, it is not about the tempo, or the trophy, it’s about the passion,and what you believe in your heart.
請記住,(人生) 要注重的不是節奏,或是利益,而是熱情,以及你自己心中的那份信念。

I was born to dance, what were you born to do? Contest Master