The fact you are sitting here means that you do speak English. If you don’t, Chinese workshop is on the 5th floor. Why do you speak English? Some learn it to get a better job, others to explore the world. I learn English, because of something more than I can say.


Honorable judges, ladies and gentlemen.

July 30th, 1982. I was one week old. My mother returned home with me from the hospital as soon as we could. Being the second grandson, it was supposed to be a happy reunion with my family members, but the destiny had a different plan.

2 days after I got home, I stopped eating. Whatever my mother fed me, I would spit them out. After another day, my eyes turned yellow. Doctors in the hospital found out that I was born with the genetic disease G6PD and could not smell mothballs. My grandfather was a farmer, and thus the house was stuffed with mothballs like they are free. When my eyes turned yellow, there was only one way to go: I needed to transfuse all the blood in my body.

Whole body transfusion was no easy task. The good news was I didn’t need much blood because I was still very small. If it’s like this, well, good luck. The bad news was, after the process was done, either I recovered, or I died.

My parents never gambled, but this time they had no choice. If they didn’t take the bet, I would simply die. However, even my parents promised that they would not sue the doctors even the operation failed, all the doctors refused to help us. No one was willing to fight with me and got into trouble.

Desperate, my mother broke down because she thought she would lose her son. My father ran around the hospital and asked all the doctors that they could find. Finally, an American doctor said yes. In an hour, she performed the operation on me. Luckily, we took the bet with destiny and won.

Ever since my parents told me the story in junior high, I had this strong feeling to learn English well, because I wanted to find the doctor and thank her in person. When I became a senior high school student, I went to the hospital and found there was no more doctor bearing foreign names. Not knowing her, my pursuit of gratitude stopped at the moment.

2011, I was 30 years old. I became a father and brought my son back to my hometown, just like my parents did years ago. Because we needed to give my son a vaccine shot, again we visited the very hospital that I was saved in.


When I was registering my son at the counter, the clerk asked me: would you mind if the doctor is a foreigner? I looked at the screen, seeing the doctor name was written in Chinese characters. All of a sudden, everything was connected. “Could it be that, my American doctor had got herself a Chinese name?” I asked the clerk, ”how long have the doctor served in the hospital?” She said, “More than 35 years, she is the only foreign doctor here”. Trembling with excitement, I knew what I finally found the one that I have been looking for.

Standing outside of the door, I was as anxious as going on my first date. What should I say? Did she still remember me? When it finally came to my turn, I knocked the door and slowly turned the doorknob. We walked in. She smiled and said in fluent Taiwanese “哩後”, which means hello. I cried, I bowed, and I said “Thank you” finally, to her, in person. All of a sudden, I understand. It’s never about language. It’s all about love. It’s more than I can say.

It’s love that made her went across the ocean and served on this foreign soil for so many years, saving people in Taiwan.

It’s love that made her stood out when no one else would, and that was the reason why I survived.

It’s love that made what I am today, and I will carry on to help more people as I was helped when I was two weeks old.

It’s all about love. More than I can say.

Contest master.