Sing: Let’s move it move it. I like to move it move it.

I hate this song. However, the elementary school students who I teach love it. They say it makes them happy and when they’re happy they can handle the pressure and stress from their schoolwork so much better.

Recently I had to move house. The first thing that came to my mind was: “I DON”T like to move it move it move it! ” I’m a hard worker but I’m lazy when it comes to physical work. I don’t like moving things – Moving anything from my body to other heavy objects, to moving house. I don’t like it because moving usually involves change while I like it to stay the same. It involves mental and physical effort and I’d rather just be lazy. Therefore I sometimes struggle with getting projects done because I get scared, I doubt myself and I make excuses. I pay other people to do the heavy lifting for me.

This is how I used to move house in the past: “Take that upstairs and bring that over here. That goes in the living room, oh is that heavy? I’m sorry. Be careful with that, it’s expensive.” Then came my last move. It was only moving from the 1st floor to the 3rd floor. You might think that’s no big deal, but believe me, for a lazy person like me it’s HUGE!

No elevator, and no money in my budget to pay people to do it for me. I thought of asking friends to help me but there was a little voice in my head that said: “why not it do yourself?” Immediately followed by other voices; my sneaky friends called procrastination, self-doubt and fear:

“No, you can’t do it! Postpone! It’s too much effort! It will never work! You’re too fat.” All my doubts and fears raised their ugly heads just because of moving things.

Imagine this right here as my personal belongings neatly packed and ready to be moved. This wide, this high, this heavy. Problem was I didn’t see that. In my mind I saw something 10x bigger, 10X heavier and 10x more work. It was overwhelming me, making me think it would be impossible to move. I created a mountain out of a molehill. How do you move a mountain? I asked my very good friend………..Google.

According to Google, Confucius said: “The man who moves a mountain starts by carrying away small stones.”

It slowly dawned on me that this was a journey I had to take, by myself, for myself. I still had the other voice that said: You can do it. Just move it. And because of that I remembered my students’ song “I like to move it move it move it”. Instead of hating it, I used it to inspire me.

I started moving my mountain one box at a time. The smallest ones first, one step at a time. But when I got to the bigger stuff I wanted to give up again. Too heavy. Too lazy. Too overwhelmed. But wait, I might be lazy but I’m also very stubborn. I was determined to not be defeated. I pulled and pushed and cursed a lot, I carried each thing no matter how heavy or how slowly. Until finally it was just me ……..and the REFRIGERATOR. You will not defeat me.

“I like to move it move it” I finally saw that when you look at your problems from afar they look impossible to solve but when you confront them and do something about it, it’s actually nothing. I pushed that fridge up to the third floor all by myself. Yes! When I put it into place, the very last piece of my mountain, I started to cry.

I cried for every time I made excuses. I cried for every time I gave up and did not finish. I cried for every time I didn’t believe in myself but most of all I cried because I realized it was not about moving it was about changing. Changing my mind and changing my heart. My laziness …… dislike of moving was just fear of changing. That fear of change is the real mountain in our lives but once the fear is removed we can all embrace change. Lao Tzu said: ……………..The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step!