Boo! Did I scare you? I’ll tell you what’s scary, living in another country but having to go back to your hometown with nothing to brag about. That’s scary. [Contest Master, Honorable Judges, Ladies and Gentleman] No this isn’t a scary movie, but have you ever felt like your life is just like a movie? And each one of you is an actor of your own movie, your life. Some takes turn out great. Some takes you have to do over and over again to get them right. And some, well, they were never meant to be in the first place…


The Dream. Take One. [Snap clapperboard]


I remembered when I was a little girl. I dreamed of being an international businesswoman. I was going to be trading in Hong Kong by day and dining in Paris by night. Often we forget about those childhood dreams. That is until you return home and someone from your past reminds you.


The Reality. Take Two. [Snap clapperboard]

Diana, Diana, Diana Watson, is that you?


Last year, I went back home for a visit. One day while shopping with my mom at the supermarket, I went to the one place you should never go if you don’t want to see anyone from your past – supermarket! While we were shopping, I happened to see Jenny Jones from high school. She was always so pretty, so smart, so perfect. I HATED her. [Pause for laughter] I tried to avoid her but it was like she had radar. Once she saw me, she came straight to my direction. Hi Diana! I knew that was you! So, I hear you are living in Taiwan now. How exciting! So did you end up becoming that international businesswoman you always talked about being when we were kids?  No, actually, I just dropped out of a PhD program. “Oh, so sorry to hear that. Well, I’m doing great!”


When I came home, I felt embarrassed, depressed. [Diana standing, mom seated in chair that will be holding clapperboard]. I asked my mother, “Mom, why is everyone’s life so much better than mine?” They all have careers, companions, cars, and lots of cash! All the C’s that I don’t have, SEE?!” “But Diana, look at all the things you have achieved.” “Achieved?  Mom, I am a 37 year-old… PhD dropout… without a job! [Pause for laughter] I feel like such… a failure.” “Diana, now listen to me. YOU have lived all over the world, YOU have learned one of the hardest languages to learn, CHINESE, and you have already earned not one, but two master’s degrees. Only because you didn’t get that PhD that you wanted so badly, doesn’t mean you haven’t learned, you haven’t grown, you haven’t accomplished anything. I thought about what she said. She was right. From that day forward, I decided to change my attitude.


The Discovery. Take Three. [Snap clapperboard]

The District Evaluation Contest 1st Place Winner goes to…Diana Watson!


Feeling like a failure was probably the best thing that could have ever happened to me, because it was then that I learned that everyone, even me, has a gift. No matter if it’s being great with computers like Steve Jobs or if it’s being a great SAA for our clubs. But for me, I found my gift by listening to the compliments I received. How did I help people in ways others couldn’t? Once I listened and thought about it, I discovered what my gift was. My gift is encouraging people. I listen, I share, I mentor. In the end, I encourage people, and that makes me happy.


So now instead of asking myself: Diana, do you have a great job? I ask myself… Diana, are you doing what I love to do? Instead of asking myself: Diana, how many of your goals have you accomplished? I ask myself… If I were to die tomorrow, how many people would say that Diana helped me achieve one of my goals?


Ladies and gentleman, did you have dreams when were you a child? Have you ever felt like a failure? It’s okay because there’s a blessing in every failure.  Most of us didn’t fail our dreams, we all just focus too much on what we didn’t do or don’t have. Yes we will fail. But we are also so blessed. So now, I discovered what my gift is, what is yours?


[Contest Master]