Why??? Why me?? After all, I see it everywhere and all the time. People all around the world give it to one another, just not to me. Why it is so hard to have one small request- LOVE
為什麼??為什麼是我? 我真的就是看到了啊
它是這樣無處不在,任何時間、任何地點。 這世界上到處都有人可以把自己交給了另外一個人,但怎麼就不是我。為什麼 這樣一個小小的請求竟有這麼的難。

My miserable search for true love began 4 years ago when I started searching for true love in every possible way, such as on-line, friends, and even the kind that I hated the most; blind dates. One day, dear audience, my good friend set me up on a blind date. When he called me, I took a deep breath and answered:
我找尋真愛的悲慘過程從4年前開始,我用盡任何方式尋找真愛,例如: 網路交友,朋友介紹,甚至我最討厭的- 相親。有一


Helloooo, “Hi I'm Mr. Wow”, wow, I'm Lita it is nice to meet you. Mr. Wow, can you tell me something about yourself?
哈囉~~“你好,我是 先生!! ,我 Lital ,很高興認識你,哇先生,能跟我講一些關於你的事嗎?

“I am very tall and handsome”, yes, “honest”, yes “and I have my own apartment with a swimming pool”. Yes
我非常高大帥氣~~” :我很誠實“ “~~””我的房子裡有游泳池。” “~~”

The same evening we arranged to meet in a coffee shop. When I arrived I suddenly heard: “Lita” “yes”???  NO!!! So he isn't big, let's say that at the age of five he stopped growing.
“Lital ”?? 啊…….天啊! 他一點都不高大,看起來就像5歲之後再也沒有長高過一樣。

But that's OK, no body's perfect.

During our date he talked only about the apartment, the swimming pool and his fabulous room. I responded: do you live with a roommate? He answered: 2 roommates, genetic roommates, Mommy and daddy. “Oh no”
在我們的談話中,他只談公寓,游泳池和他那漂亮的房間。我問:你有室友嗎?他回答說:2個室友,與生俱來的室友- 媽媽和爸爸。 ……!! “ 

Please, don't get me wrong I don't have a problem with someone that lives with his parents but I realized that he wasn't being honest with me – so I told him goodbye- forever.
但請不要誤會,我對他父母沒有意見,只是,我發現他沒有對我說實話 , 所以我決定跟他說再見,而且是永遠的再見。

I found myself sad and hopeless once again

What else could I do to find my better half?

Was it my destiny to stay lost and single forever?

At my lowest point I knew that I had 2 options, to give up on true love or to keep going until I found it. I chose the second option but knew that from then on, it had to be different. I needed to create a new way to find love…

I started researching how to find true love by reading books, going to counseling, and asking my married friends for suggestions.

With all the information I collected, I created my own method: the triple F – Fantasy, Fact, and Focus.
從我蒐集的資訊整合,我創造了自己的方法:三個F – Fantasy (夢想)Fact (現實) Focus (聚焦)

My first step was to combine the1st and 2nd f and called it: “The Fantasy and Fact list”. This list has all the criteria, which I wanted to have in my true love. First I began with the fantasy column and wrote down a long list of criteria that I really fantasized to find in this person.
第一步: 結合第一和第二個F,我稱它為:夢想與現實清單,這清單裡列出了我真愛的所有條件。首先,我列出心中白馬王子的條件。

Let me share 3 items from the fantasy column: height: taller than 175cm, eyes: green, education: master's degree and above.

Next, I moved to the fact column which included the same criteria but this time, I changed it to the minimum requirements, in a person that still, would be acceptable for me. 
接著,我換到列著同樣條件Fact (現實)這一欄,但這次,我將所有條件修正為對我所能接受的最低標準。

For Example:

In my fantasy list I asked for someone who is taller than 175cm, in the fact list I added that taller than 165cm is fine, Fantasy, education: master's degree and above, Fact: under graduate is ok, , Fantasy: green eyes, Fact- 2 eyes 
在夢想欄裡,我希望身高超過175公分, 但在現實欄,165 以上就可以了;夢想:碩士以上,事實:大學畢業就OK;夢想 :眼睛綠色,事實:兩個眼睛就好

After I had the whole list, 2 things were clear: what are the things that I really want and where are my limits. With this completed, I could move on to the 3rd F:  Focus.
當我完成整個列表,我也澄清了兩件事情:到底什麼是我真正想要的? 且我的最低可以接受的極限在哪? 當這些完成之後,我就可以移轉到第三個F(聚焦)

I needed to stay focused on the fact and fantasy list so that when the right opportunity appeared I would recognize it and be ready for it.

I went to my friends and asked them to find gentlemen who fit my list. 

I believed that once I found my true love, I'd come close to him, look deep into his eyes, and the first thing that I would tell him is:” what took you so long!?!?” 

After 50 dinners75 lunches and 100 coffees- in one month, I finally found my true love- halleluiah!!
在一個月內,50 次晚餐,75次午餐和100杯咖啡之後,我終於找到了我的真愛!哈利路亞!

He has green eyes; he is 185cm, with a master's degree! In fact, He has everything that I asked for in my fantasy list.
185 而且還有碩士學位! 事實上,他就是我夢想清單中的白馬王子~~

I was extremely thankful, excited and proud of myself. I felt was like the sun shining on me and whispering that it's my time to shine.

Dear TM, The triple f has already helped me to find my biggest fantasy- true love and there he is…. my Mr. Wow….I am positive that the triple F can help you too.
F幫助我完成我最大的夢想- 尋找真愛(我丈夫, 哇先生在那裡) 我很確信地告訴你,這三個F一定也能夠幫助你。

Everyone has a fantasy, what is yours? What do you really want for yourself?

Do you want to get a better job? Do you want to meet your soul mate?

Today I am giving you a method to turn your fantasy into a reality by using the triple F you can achieve anything you want and make your dreams become WOW.

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