My dear fellow customers look! This pan is a magic pan! No matter you like to cook to fry to boil to roast, you can all use it! No matter your husband is an American European, African, or an Alien, you can all save his heart by using it. No matter your kids are Naughty, pretty, picky or seventy, you can beat them, oh no! You can beat their appetites always. It can be the dumbbells to slim your arms; it can also be the hammer to bleed your husband. Besides, it might be the communicator to the aliens! And it only costs you 1000 NT dollars; it is really worth, right? Please call this toll-free number as below 0800-123-321, you buy one, you'll be fine! Don’t hesitate, make the call! 
親愛的客戶們:請看!這是一把神奇的平底鍋!不管你想要,煎,煮,炒,炸,你都可以使用它;不論你老公是美國人、歐洲人、非洲人、或外星人,你都可以藉由這把平底鍋來擄獲他的心;無論你的孩子是頑皮、可愛、挑剔或者已經70歲了,你都能擺平他們,哦,不!你都可以抓住他們的胃。它可以是啞鈴,讓妳瘦下你的蝴蝶袖;它也可以是鎯頭,好好地錘你的老公;除此之外,它,也有可能是與外星人對話的通話器哦!而且,你只要花1000元新台幣就能擁有它,這真是太超值了,是吧!?請趕快撥打這個免費電話 0800-123-321,買了它,你就萬無一失了!不要猶豫了,現在就打電話吧!

A Hungry man came home alone, late after work, turned on television, thought about what to eat, then, bought this pan and had never used it until now.  

Do I really need this pan?


I remember, in the long long time ago when I was young, we had to go outside to buy something. But nowadays, there are continuous, nonstop messages coming from all directions into our life 24-7 to convince us that we need «something». The TV shopping channels, the eBay on the Internet, cell messages, the mail orders. And, they sell almost everything! From this magic pan to a magic mop, a motorcycle, jewels and even, the traveling packages. There are not only for something concrete, but also something like, you have to learn this, you must go there or how to be stronger so that you won't jump out of the floor when your girl friend don’t love you ........ OH wait, maybe I should prepare one of this for my next possible girl friend… No… what I keep thinking is, it is really easy to make ourselves to believe that we do need something right? But, why had I bought this pan and had never used it? My dear fellow members, do you have this kind of experience?  
我記得,很久很久以前,在我還年輕的時候,我們必須要走出門去買東西。但現在,每天,都有撲天蓋地、疲勞轟炸,日夜不停的訊息從四面八方而來,企圖說服我們說我們需要«買東西 »。購物頻道、購物網站、手機簡訊、郵購雜誌而且他們什麼都賣,什麼都不奇怪!從這把神奇的平底鍋,到魔術拖把,摩托車,珠寶,甚至套裝旅遊;它們不止賣實體的商品,也有無形的,例如:你一定要學這個課程、你一定要去那兒旅遊、甚至有「當你女友不再愛你時,不必跳樓的秘方」...... 嗯,我想,或許我也該為下一個可能的女朋友準備一份這個秘方才對 ... ...不不不!我一直在想的是,我們真的很容易讓自己相信我們真的須要某些東西,對吧?但是,為什麼我買了這個平底鍋卻從來沒有用過?親愛的會員,你有過這樣的經驗嗎?

Is there something you have that is actually something you don't need? 

We have only two feet but we can have 10 pairs of shoes. We can only hold one handbag, but we can have one in hand and still buy another one or two more. And I even heard about a man who has 2 to 3 cell phone numbers for 2 to 3 girl friends at the same time and all the girls are named Baby!!! We spend time working hard to make money, then what...we keep buying all the things that go beyond what we actually need.

Do we really need so many things?

Few months ago, a friend invited me to join the “face-book”. I really like it! And I also added some of my friends. As time moved on, the number of my friends increased! My friends, my classmates, and my colleagues, then my friend's friends, my friend's classmates, and….. my friend's classmates colleagues, and then my friend's classmate's colleague's friends and my classmate's colleague's friend's father's girlfriends'.... Oh my god! 10 gifts, 12 invitations, 5 new friends a day..... I mean, it is really great to know so many friends. 
幾個月前,一位朋友邀請我加入“臉書”這個社群。我真的很喜歡它!而且我還加入了一些我的朋友。隨著時間的進展,我的朋友數量也增加了!有,我的朋友,我的同學,和我的同事;接著,我朋友的朋友,我朋友的同學,... ..我朋友同學的同事;然後,我朋友的同學的同事的朋友,和我同學的同事的朋友的父親的女友'....噢,我的天啊! 每天10個禮物,12個邀請,和5個新朋友.....我是說,我真的很高興能認識這麼多的新朋友。

But do we really need to take care of dozens of friendships every day in our lives? 

Just when I was so frustrated, I took my courage to join a training with a very special friend of mine. Because of the training, I had to reschedule and cut off some of my “greedy time” of “ Shining Johnny” like, Roller skating- an athletic Johnny, Motorcycle riding- a cool Johnny, Bicycle riding- a healthy Johnny, Singing!- The party animal Johnny and of course my special expertise, Drinking- The drunken Johnny. 
正當我感到非常沮喪的時候,我鼓起勇氣和好友一同參加了一個訓練課程。為了這個訓練課程,我必須重新安排我的行程,並砍掉一些“別人心目中的閃亮強尼”時間。就像 - 「溜冰 - 運動的我」、「騎摩托車 - 拉風的我」、「騎自行車 - 健康的我」、「唱歌 - 卡拉OK王子的我」,以及我最引以為豪的特殊專長 - 「呼乾啦!- 爛醉的我」。

I did suspend so many things that I used to think I really need in my life. However, see, here I am! And I am still alive, I even feel much happier and much fulfilled instead! So I think, maybe what we really need is not just about how many friends or how much money we can have only. We also have to think about what are the things that we can actually get rid of. So that we won't be disturbed and can pay much more attention to the people and the things that really make sense in our lives. 

The true happiness consists in the contentment. Don't just always think about to own something more. We should learn to make the right decision. To identify who are the ones that we should hold on forever and what are the things that truly matter to us. Then the whole process that we keep involving all our strength to fight for it and to protect from losing it can lead us to the joy of the contentment.

Now I finally understand why I bought this pan, it saved my life! I can hang this griddle beside the television to remind me that everything I see on the TV shopping channels is something that I don't need. So my dear fellow members, next time when you want to buy something, please think about Johnny and this magic pan! Give me a call; I will help you to stop it!
