When I was a little girl, this was my favorite toy. One day, my parents and I took a walk in the park, I put it on and said “ I am a hero!” (running and fell down) “Mommy, Daddy, help me!” Without giving me a hand, they just stood there and said “Stand up from where you fell, honey, be a real hero.”


What kind of parents were they? I felt so angry and unloved. When other kids fell, their parents always ran to them and checked for the wounds, but mine did nothing but said some useless words. Did they find me in a garbage can? Since then, I had a bad relationship with my parents. They asked me to dress formal to the wedding,  I put on slippers instead; they wanted me to be like a lady, few days later, my hair was shorter than my dad’s; they asked me not to have a boy friend, but I have three (pause) I forget my parents are there, you didn’t let me finish, I mean three boyfriends (pause) in my dream. they expected to join Chinese speech contest, but I went to an English speech contest which I never tried.

I will never forget that afternoon, I was well prepared and ready for the contest. I went on to the stage, “Good evening, ladies and gentlemen…”(Long pause) Your reactions were exactly like the audience that day except one boy yelled “Hello, what did you say? I can’t hear you, haha!” All the students started laughing, I felt so embarrassed and wanted to find a hole and hide myself, so I ran away with the tears fell of my face. But god wasn’t satisfy with the tragedy, I stumbled on the stairs and fell on my face. I was fell from the stairs, I also failed on the courage to stand on the stage again.


I had a serious stage fright after this disaster, I refused to do presentations in front of the class; afraid of expressing my opinions and lost my confidence. I even considered my parents didn’t love me because I was a loser. I was so scared to see the disappointments in theirs eyes. Our relationship got worse and worse, we were like strangers, not family.


One night, while watching the Beijing Olympic Games. The Tae Kwon Do contest was on. I could not hold my tears because of this…
蘇麗文fell down on the floor when her left foot was injured. She was struggling and struggling, I wanted to help her up so much... (Pause) 

At that instant, I finally realized the true meaning of my parents’ words, “stand up from where you fell, be a real hero.” Many times in life we have to face challenges and we often fell. Sometimes there are falls we have to face and stand up by ourselves. Our parents can’t always help us. I am sure蘇麗文’s parents were watching and crying, but they couldn’t do anything. My parents were just trying to prepare me for the falls.


突然之間,我明白了我爸媽說的:「從跌倒的地方站起來,當一個真正的英雄。」在我們的人生裡,常常會遇到挑戰而我們也常常跌倒,有時候,跌倒是必須靠我們自己去面對和站起來。我們的父母不能每次都幫我們。我相信蘇麗文的父母當時也看著、哭著,但是他們卻愛莫能助。我的父母,只是在為我著想 罷了。)

蘇麗文fell ten more times. Her coach, even the judge suggested her to quit, but she stood up eleven times. At the end she lost the fight, but I know for everyone of us, she is our hero.


I started to stand up from where I failed, it was not easy. It took me two hours standing outside of my parents’ room, finally entered the room and said “I’m sorry”. They didn’t say anything but held me tight, it was so warm and touching. I went to an English speech contest again, and I practiced, practiced and practiced. In the morning, “Good evening, ladies and gentlemen…”(acting making up) In the evening, on the way back to my home “Good evening, ladies and gentlemen…”(acting riding) At night, “Ladies and gentlemen, good night!”(acting sleep/talk) I took my first step to defeat my weakness.


The picture of 蘇麗文 standing up from where she fell kept hunting in my mind and giving me courage. That’s why I am standing here, sharing my story, and doing the thing I love. Making a speech is much better than have three boyfriends. Now my parents are sitting at the auditorium and listening to my story, though they don’t really understand. I am a hero because I stood up from where I failed.

(蘇麗文從跌倒的地方爬起來的樣子,一直不停在我腦中也鼓勵著我。這就是為什麼我站在這裡,分享我的故事,做著我愛做的事。演講比有兩個男朋友來的好多了。我的父母,現在也坐在觀眾席哩,聽著我演講,雖然他們聽不大懂我再說什麼。我是一個英雄, 從我跌倒的地方站起來。

So ladies and gentlemen, when the next time you fell (real fell), what are you going to do? (Stand up). Louder! (Stand up) (you stand up and look at them):

YES! Stand up from where you fell, you are all heroes.
