When you were just a little child, did you read fairly tales like Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs?  Now let me help you recall the happy ending. One day, a Prince came riding by. He was amazed to see Snow White in a coffin and said, “This beautiful Princess should be in my palace. I shall take her home with me.” Just as the servants were lifting Snow White up, the piece of the poisoned apple fell out of her mouth. Snow White was alive again! Then they were married, and lived happily ever after.

Well, I bet a lot of young ladies must be moved by the romantic ending. I also had a similar daydream until I married my Prince and became a wife, a daughter-in-law, and a mother of three kids. The plot dramatically changed.

The next morning after the wedding party, my Prince reminded me, “ Hey, being a daughter-in-law, you are not supposed to get up so late. Hurry to the kitchen and prepare breakfast for the family. Go! Go! Go!” Before I got to the kitchen, I heard the pots clanking. My mother-in-law was already there cooking. I felt guilty and from then on ; this guilt made me get up with the birds and hurry into the kitchen.

Also I was taught to serve my Prince and his family very well. After I got home from work at six every evening, I rushed into the kitchen to make dinner. After dinner, I still had tons of housework to do. I was no longer a princess. I was nothing but a maid.

Things went on like this and I was getting tougher and tougher. I was just like the Goddess of Mercy with a thousand eyes and a thousand hands. I could not but admire myself--- What a Superwoman I was! Especially after we had kids.

“ Jonathan! Stop watching TV. Go play the piano!“Angel! Turn down the music, I can't hear what Grandma is saying on the phone,” “ Grace! It's time to go to bed. Don't study anymore!” Well,these were the routine shouts going on while I was doing chores. I couldn't remember when I started to sound so much like a crazy woman. ( Sigh!) How tender I was and how sweet my voice was when I was a Princess!

Yes, when I was a Princess, if I had a little cough, my Prince would be very nervous and take me to the doctor right away. At that time I was not only a Princess but also a queen. I had the best service from my Prince. But now if I carelessly got a cold, I still had to charge myself up to wait on the whole family. Worst of all, when my Prince was sick, it was my turn to take him to the doctor. The Prince didn't become a king but a kid, and the Princess became a nanny. What a funny twist!

That year when my son was only six months old, my Prince fell down from the roof and broke his leg. He needed an operation and had to stay in the hospital for three weeks. During that period, I was like a spinning top, spinning from house to workplace, and from workplace to hospital. After my Prince was out of the hospital, he insisted on going back to work right away even though he had to be in a wheelchair for a month. So taking him to work was my job. Twice a day I had to lift the heavy wheelchair into the trunk and then lift it out of the trunk. My arms had become bigger and bigger. See! How strong they are!

So, ladies, in your daydreams when the Prince carries you away on his horse, does it surely lead to a happy life ever after? Happily ever after isn't the end; it's the beginning. Having experienced so many hard times, I earned my Prince and my kids' love and support; now I enjoy being a wife, a daughter-in-law, and a mother of three kids. You may ask, “ Why?” I think it all depends on how you view the changes in life. If you open your arms to embrace everything and taste the bitter parts of life without any complaints but cherish the sweet parts, you will appreciate life's ups and downs, and realize that “Happily ever after” doesn't happen in all the pages of your life. After all, there's more to life than just riding off into the sunset with your Prince, isn't there?