19 is a magic number. Bill Gates 19 years old, dropped out of school , to start his own business. Now he is one of the richest men in the world. I, Monica, 19 years old, 5 years ago, 10, ok, 20 years ago.

Majored in Journalism and didn't drop out of school, so beautiful. Besides, I'm not plastic; all you see me on the stage is natural.  Of course I shall be even more successful.

Because I had my life planning when I was 19.

First, being an excellent news anchor with high salary just like Oprah

Second, marrying a rich and handsome husband like JACK 蔡。So I could have two things from him: his love and his infinite credit cards.

Third, earning my first one million dollars before 25 and spending all of it within 3 months on a grand tour.  My dear not so rich friends, imagine

a beautiful woman - me-- riding a camel to the pyramid against the sunset with different rich Egyptian princes. So high class!

However, man proposes, while God disposes.

One day, my news professor told me, “Monica, by the time you are dressed up, the news becomes history.”

Ah, I closed my powder case, and I also closed my news career.  However, my Chinese Opera teacher told me, “Monica, just keep learning, and someday you can turn history into news.”

Because of his encouragement, I decided to change my major from Journalism to Chinese literature and become a teacher with high respect--- but low incomes.  My 100-year salary was equal to one year salary of a famous news anchor.  But don't worry; at least I have my 2nd plan: to marry a rich man.

While I was wondering which rich, handsome man to marry, a cool artist came to me and said, “Baby, I have everything you want except money; be my woman.”

I was too young to appreciate the value of money so I married him. When I accumulated the first one million NT Dollars for the grand tour, I was, I was pregnant. Since then, instead of riding a camel to the pyramid, I could only ride a bicycle to the park. Good-Bye, my grand tour, good bye, my princes. 

What's wrong with my life planning?  For a while, my life was full of complaints. My house is small, my husband is still poor but not cool, everything made me a fool.  I was not happy until one day, I visited my best friend.

She had everything I dreamed of--high salary, a rich husband, a big house and 5 Berkin bags. But then she had a kidney cancer; even 4 doses of Morphine cannot relieve her pain. When I held her hands, I found a note on her mirror. She whispered in a weak voice “That is my 3 new life planning.”  “First, she wants to write a book and make speeches to share her cancer experience after she recovered. 

Second, she wants to go to Egypt with her best friend, me, to learn belly dance.  Third, she wants to ride a bicycle with her daughter in the park.” She cried and said: “I thought we had plenty of time, now I would give up everything just to ride a bicycle with her, even if it's only for an hour.”

I was so sad, to me what she wanted was so ordinary, but to her it's so hard and impossible because she was gone 2 months ago. How could it happened to her? How could it? She had everything one year ago, and now she has nothing but only one picture left for me. 

I looked at her picture in the funeral and asked myself what was the most important thing in our lives? We all have life planning but we'll never know what will happen tomorrow.  We might fulfill it or fail it, get it and then lose it.  So, How do we live to the fullest and die without regret?”

I hate to say this, it's my friend's death that reminded me that life planning is important but to cherish the moment we have is even more important. Sometimes we can't have what we love, but we can always love what we have. 

Ladies and gentlemen, it's your right and it is your duty to make your own life.
Whether you are 19 or 90, rich or not so rich,  just seize the day and live it like there is no tomorrow. That is a perfect life planning.  

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