Everyone in the world strives to be beautiful.  They'd want to keep young forever, if, possible. 


Contest Master, Ladies and Gentlemen,

One thing I do every morning is to look at Audrey Hepburn's picture and make my small eyes as big as hers.  Using eyeliner and double-eyelid stickers, I would put them, layer by layer, to create the illusion of big eyes.

My friend, Katherine's eyes were also very small, that was why we became friends.  Before the Chinese new year, I thought she looked different: her skin was shining, and her eyes were twice as big!

So I asked her: “What did you do?”
She replied. “It's plastic.”
“No way!  You did it?  Tell me all about it!”

Ladies and gentlemen, do you want to know?
I bet you do. 



So, other than the double eyelid surgery, she had Botox injections and laser to help lift her face and eliminate pores and spots.
排除,消除,消滅    pores毛孔;氣孔;細孔    spots疤;痣;丘疹;瘡

I was amazed.

Then she gave me the contact of the doctor.
I said, “No thanks, I don't need this.”

And she said, “Of course you do, Honey!  Everyone does! 
Keep young and beautiful. (Singing in Jazz style)
It's your duty to be beautiful!
Keep young and beautiful,
If you what to be loved.

Singing in Jazz style),美麗是你的責任,想要被愛-保持青春美麗」


That night I went back home; I looked at the beautiful young Hepburn and myself in the mirror.  The scientists are right.  After age 25, everything goes down: our eyes go down, cheeks go down, and…everything goes down, except, our age.

I didn't tell Katherine the truth when I said: I don't need this.  Deep inside, I am as desperate as any other woman to keep young and beautiful.  If I can have the big charming eyes of Audrey Hepburn, my life will be different, and I can get any man, I mean, anything I want!  Right away, I picked up the phone, dialed the number and made the appointment. 

That very morning, I entered that small clinic.  After telling the doctor my requirement, he gave me a quick look and said:

“Your eyes are not too small.”
“Really?!” I was flattered.

“But your face is too big.”
“See, your cheeks are too wide, lips are too thick, and nose's too flat.  If your face gets smaller, your eyes will look bigger.”

That was the most honest evaluation I have ever received. 





Although he wasn't good at evaluation, he was certainly persuasive:

Don't worry, we can fix that problem and make you look ten years younger.  Now choose whatever you desire: eyes, lips, noses, Korean, Hong Kong, or Hollywood; we can make you a 3-D face in just one hour and 40 minutes,

Plus, we now offer a special discount for the full package service.  Only 50,000 dollars.   

You mean, within one hour and 40 minutes and 50,000 dollars, I can get big eyes, a 3-D face, and look 10 years younger?!

Check, please.  I booked the surgery the very next day! 

Now, to be or not be, that is no longer a question.  With money and modern technology, beauty can last FOREVER!  

That night, I relaxed myself and watched a movie; an old actress looked very familiar.  At the end of the movie I saw her name: Audrey Hepburn.  That….that can't be her!  She's the incarnation of perfection!  She can't be that wrinkle-faced old woman.  Why?  Why didn't you do something to save your beauty?  

With the question still in my mind, next day, I went to the clinic for surgery.  As I lay on the operating table, the headlight cast on my face, and shone on my doubts.  Somehow, I knew, I was going to be different.

Keep young and beautiful, If you want to be loved.  

I didn't have the surgery.  The doctor asked me, why.
“I saw her, Audrey Hepburn, not the young one, but the old one.  She showed me the answer that I wasn't able to understand.”   

In Audrey's later years, she devoted herself to helping children all over the world.  She spent all her time and money to help improve the lives of the poor and the needy families.  She didn't try to preserve the beauty on her own face; rather, she passed it on to every single young face she touched.  

I'm still wearing the same big face and same small eyes, but something is different--here.  I no longer need that full package service since I have learned the secret.   No matter how hard we try to preserve our youth, someday it will fade.  The only way to stay young forever is not to keep it in ourselves but to pass it on to those who live after us.  Just last month, through the World Vision, I adopted a seven-year-old boy; his name is Gabriel; and he loves football very much.  Ladies and gentlemen, I may start from a little, but I know this little beauty is going to make a difference.     

Whether you have started spreading your beauty, from Audrey Hepburn, I now deliver to you this full package of secrets, for free.  May we all have her courage and wisdom to seek this eternal beauty and pass it on to the later generations, so that we may live forever young and beautiful. 

Contest Master. 