My friends, do you carry your stress around? I do and it sucks! But if carrying stress burned calories, I could look like Beyonce. *All the single ladies, Oh Oh Oh…Oh oh Owwwwwww!*

Contest master, Toastmasters and guests, growing up, whenever I was stressed, my loving Momma would hug me and tell me in her soothing voice… “Son, don’t carry your stress around, put it down.” But sometimes I forget, especially at work. I’m an HR manager and my job is to recruit English teachers. Most of the time, things are great. But when things get stressful, I just wanna take a vacation to North Korea… to visit my brother Kim.

Last week was especially stressful. Monday morning started with a phone call. “Eric, EMERGENCY! Our best teacher Teresa just quit. I nearly had a heart attack. Immediately, I started setting up interviews and calling substitute teachers. “No, I can’t.” “No, too far.” “Nahh, don’t feel like it.” You don’t feel like it? What’s wrong with these people? Don’t they like money? Then finally, a normal person answers the phone. “Hi? This is Donald” NOT TRUMP. “Hi Donald, I was wondering if you can sub this week?” “Mmmm yea, sure I can help out.” “OMG! Thank you!”

But Tuesday, I started to carry my stress around because I only had 3 days to find a permanent teacher. I tried everything to relieve my stress. Complaining, shopping, 58 degrees KaoLiang…*HOOOOO*, I even ate an entire 12”cheesecake all by myself… look at me now! That night I carried all that stress home with me and threw it at my wife! And you know what she did? She threw it right back! I had to sleep on the couch that night… and probably the rest of the month! (Shake Head)

On Wednesday morning, I was exhausted! The weight of my stress increased even though I had 3 interviews lined up! The 1st one told me he didn’t like to wear shoes because he didn’t believe in shoes. Well, I definitely believe in shoes because he had some really stinky tofu feet! The 2nd one looked and spoke like a politician. “I can make your school great again… trust me.” And the last one was crazy about rugby. In the middle of the interview, he stood up and started doing a rugby dance. *HiyaHugaHugaHe-a* I’m not gonna lie… but he scared the crap out of me!

Thursday came and I only had one day until my deadline. I had Mr. Stinky Feet, The politician, and That crazy rugby guy to choose from. I couldn’t hire any of them! The weight of my stress became so unbearable that I was about to EXPLODE! Then suddenly, a supportive coworker gave me a bro-hug. Just like that, something clicked and I heard my Momma’s voice in my head, “Son, put it down.” I realized that I’ve been carrying my stress around all week! And that was the moment I finally decided to put it down. Ahhhhhhhh… I remember going home that night and leaving all my stress at the office. I had a nice dinner with my family. Read a story to my kids. Took a nice relaxing bath. And after I apologized to my wife that night, she came… and slept on the couch with me!

Finally, it was Friday! I knew the stress was still there waiting for me. But I wasn’t going to deal with it until I got into the office. But instead of stress, there was good news waiting for me! There was an email from Donald! No, not that one... Donald, the sub teacher! He said he enjoyed subbing at our school so much that he wanted to join OUR team! I jumped up from my desk and said, “Donald, YOU’RE HIRED!”

Toastmasters, isn’t it great when problems solve themselves? Why was I carrying all that stress around? Instead, do things that help put down your stress, like exercising, talking to a friend, or something I like to do, KTV… “And Iiiiiiiiiiiiii eeeiiiii, will always love youuuuuuuuuUUuuu….” (Breath, Excited, Confused) Hey, I never said I was good. Thankfully I have my beautiful Momma to remind me, “Son, please put down the mic.” Toastmasters and friends, the next time you’re in a stressful situation, don’t carry that stress around… put-it down, put-it down, put-it down.”