From five to eighteen, I heard one sentence nearly every single day, “The Break is over!” “The Break is over” “The break is....” I was raised on a farm, I worked on the farm every day and taught city people all about animals. “This fantastic beast is...a chicken. It goes, ‘bawk bawk bawk!' And in charge of all those workers, and animals was Otis Walter Kendall....or THE CAPTAIN...
And the Captain would always lean down, look me in the eye and say, “Joey, the break is over.” And it was time to get back to the work.

Back on the farm, I didn't need AN alarm clock. If I WASN'T outside early in the morning, THE CAPTAIN WOULD COME BANGING ON MY DOOR (BAM BAM BAM) C'MON JOEY!! GET ON UP... IT'S time to work!

If you are wondering where my parents were. I would beg my dad who would just tell me, “Well, the Capt'n said the break is over...nothing I can do.”

The Captain would line up my brother, my sister and me. He read out the assignments....Drive the TRACTORS....I would raise my hand, jump up and down.”me me me...”

The captain would give the job to my brother Matt...PFFT who likes tractors anyway?

The next assignment....BRUSH THE HORSES...I would raise my hand, jump up and down,.”me me me...”

The captain would give horse duty to my sister Jen, Loser...

Finally the last assignment – shovel the poop – NOT ME NOT ME NOT ME....And you know what? The Cap-tain ALWAYS CHOSE ME.

The Captain would take me to the barn where the horses would stay and point at the floor,

“Joey I want this floor, spotless clean!!”
What? But Captain?! It's covered with poop ankle deep!
“Yep! I want you to make it spotless clean...”

As a ten year old...I wanted to cry I'd get half way, stinky and sit down to take a break. I find a bench, take a deep breathe, and start my break. And wouldn't you know ...there's the Capt'n,

“Joey...the break is over! Spotless Clean!.”

By the time I finally get done. Do you think I get a break? No! It's time to go clean the pig pen.

When I turned 18, I found was
We had nothing but breaks! Fall break...Winter Break...SPRING BREAK Summer Break...Break Break...AND THERE WAS NO CAPT TO YELL AT ME!!! But I did start wondering why I was paying tuition


some classmates got tanned on the beach...BUT ME?? I'm too white...I'd burn.


others climbed mountains....BUT I'm terrified of heights!

Hmm...white...poor...terrified...HEY, I SOUND LIKE A VOTER FOR DONALD TRUMP!

So what did I do? Well I didn't vote for Trump. You're welcome. No, I came to Taiwan. I wanted to be fluent in Chinese...How many of you have studied Chinese? Yeah, just what I thought...none of you.

I found something in that classroom on the first day...scarier...more powerful...more terrifying than the Capt'n. Taiwanese teachers.

They don't even know the word break is in English...or Chinese They just know, “Back to work! Study harder!” 95 on your quiz?! Why did you do so bad?! You learned nothing!

The classes were tough, getting up early, going to bed late Working every day...did I leave the farm? After a few weeks of 10 hours a day learning Chinese. I think I can get tea from a tea stand. Easy, right? Three words and done, “I Want This!”
(Tea stand) “Hot or cold?” “Ice no ice? How much Ice? Sugar?”
(ME) “No sugar”....
(Tea stand)“Do you need a bag”
“What are you even saying...I just want my tea!!!” I just want to find someone who speaks English and can order it for me.

But then I hear the Capt'n telling me, “Joey, the Break is over!” I take a deep breath and order my tea. The Capt'n didn't raise someone who stops halfway. And I can't stop until I am fluent. Even though I can order a tea now.

Friends, we all have dreams...we often quote “I Have a Dream” speak like it is our own words, But it is time to stop dreaming and start doing! Amazing lives, plans, goals aren't built on daydreams. They are built on action, so let's stand up and tell ourselves,

“The break is...” OVER!