Shauchiang, a lovely, friendly, but very ugly young man is dead. He is crying to the God. God, it is so unfair, you see, robert is hansome, tony is handsome, they have a lot of girlfriends, but I am ugly, when I died, I was still a virgin.
The god shows up and talks to shauchiang, so Shauchiang, what do you want to be in your next life. Shauchiang says I hope all the boys and girls will be crazy for me, will scream for me when I show up. The god says: OK, I will make you dream come true. DING, and next life, Shauchiang became the cockroach ( CR in the content)

My dear members, are you crazy for the CR, will you scream for the CR when it shows up. I will. When I was young, everytime I saw the CR, I was creaming, mommy, help me, CR. My mother always took her slipper rush to me, PA, finish.
Three years ago, I got married. Every time, my wife saw the CR, she was screaming, Honey help me, CR. I was screaming, too… mommy, CR help me. Again, my mommy took her slippler rush to us , PA, finish. One day, my wife told me, Sam you are a man, you should be brave , you can not depend on your mommy all the time. So we deceide to fight with the CR by ourslef.

In the beginning, when we saw the CR on the wall, we always colsed our eyes and persuade ourself, there is no CR, there is no CR. But when we open the eyes, the CR is still on the wall. So we know, it is time to fight with the CR. We prepared a lof weapons. My wife’s favorite weapon, slipper. My favorite weapon, toastmasters magazine.LALALA, PA, I got you. We fight with the CR in the livingroom, in the washing, in the kitcheroom even on the bed. Sometimes, the CR win, he flies away, he run away, sometimes we win, we kill the CR. But we have another problem. Every time, when we kill the CR. I have to take the tissue paper to take the CRs dead body. It is so disgusting… and I have to pray for it. God bless you , RIP, don’t come back to me, I don’t want to kill you, I am sorry to you, CR.

So it is a big suffer to fight with the CR. No matter he wins or we win, we are tolly losers. So we decided to kill them all. We use the most power chemical weapon, SSSSSSSSS in our home. And the next day, when I open my door, oh my god, it is so terrible, there are 8 CRS dead immediately, 2 CRS are treambling and dead. One CR is very strong, he moves slowly to me and dead. My wife is crazying, Dear, the CRS are innocent, we don’t have the right to kill them. I comfort my wife, dear, the fighting is over, there will be no CRS appear in our ilfe. No, after several days, there are more and more CRS show up. Just like the fighting between US and IS organizaion, I kill you, I revenge you, I kill you , I revenge you, never end.

One night, we still fight with the CR. I catch one CR with this box. Suddenly , I have an idea, I talk to my wife. Dear, maybe I can communicate with the CR. My wife looks at me and says, Dear are you crzay because fighting with the CR for a long time. I talk to my wife. Dear, I have learn communication skills in toastmasters for years, I want to give it a try. When I look at the CR, I can feel he is treambling and so scared because he knows he is going to die. So I decide to take the 3K communication skill with him, Kiss, kick, kiss. The first kiss. Dear CR, nice to meet you, I am Sam Hung, I know you are a brave man, you find the food outside for your familiar, you are so great. And Kick, but this is my place, if you scared my family, I have to fight with you. And last kiss, if you and your fellow can promise you wont bother our life, I can let you go, and we still can be good friends. I can feel the CR is smiling at me and nod his head to me. I open the box, the CR just moves slowly and turn back to smile at me again. At that moment, I am falling in love with CR. It is a magic, after communicatiing with Cr, there is really no CR appear in my life.

My dear members, meeting the CRS just like meeting the challenges in our life. What do you do when you have a difficulty. Ask for help, ingore it, fight with it or communication with it. Trust me, communication is always soluation to all difficulities. You can save a lot of time, a lot of money., a lot of energy through the power of communication. Because of communication, there will be no argument between husband and wife. Because of communication, there will be no fighting between countries. Because of communication, there will be no innocent CR killed.

My dear members, please remember CR just a lovely, friendly, but very ugly young man called Shauchiang. Next time when you see a CR, Shauchiang, don’t be crzay for him, don’t fight with him, just try to communicate with him. After communicating with CR, Shauchiang, I have not seen him for a long time. I just want to talk to Shauchiang. Shauchiang, you are my friend, I am missing you, you are always in my mind, but please don’t come back to me, goodbye Shauchiang.