Is destiny in our hand? Or, in God’s hand?

When I was 10 years old, a fortune teller told my mother I have to get married late, otherwise I will be very unhappy. Ever since then, my mother would try her best to Destroy my Every relationships. When I had my first boyfriend who was cute, she said “Too Short.” My second boyfriend was taller and handsome, and my mother said ”Playboy ar.” Finally my third boyfriend was charming, fun and smart and….my mother said to me “he looks sad! My daughter, listen to your mama, you need to find a person like this(舉牌): Big forehead, rich! Big mouth, good for family. Big eyes, full of body energy!!” (牌子放下) I guess the fortune teller must be right, because I am 34 , and I am still single!

Dear fellow toastmasters, have you ever had a moment that you doubt your destiny? Or what would you do when you have really difficulties making life changing decisions? In my family, my parents believed that our fortune is written by God. In year 2008, my father suddenly lost his company overnight, and was in huge debt. We moved our house and sold our car to start a new life. My father tried so hard to go back to work again, but he was 60 years old, no company wants him. He went to a fortune teller Every Year, and the fortune teller Always told him “you will have a very good opportunity ….next year.” 7 years past, my father started 3 businesses, all failed. Just until recently his business gets a little bit better, and he finally go to ask the fortune teller “do you see any people who has no hope at all in his future?” “Yes, of course. It’s all in our destiny” “What do you tell these guys? Do you tell them what you see?” “Of course not, what if they kill themselves! I just tell them, you will have a very good opportunity….. next year.” It seems, the destiny is not only in God’s hand, but also in my father’s hand.


Like father like daughter, I used to search answers from fortune tellers too. One time I walked past temple行天宮, there is the famous fortune teller street. I really want to know if I could get married soon. So I set down in front of an old man, and asked him about my marriage. He stared at my palm for a while and said: “um…you will get married…….…Late” “but…You will marry to a very good and rich husband.” “Really? That’s wonderful. How do you see that?” “Because you are so picky, if he is not good and rich you won’t marry him.” “So…when will this good guy come?” “He will come, when you lower your standards.” It seems, my destiny is not only in God’s hand, but also in my hand.


From those experiences, I finally learned that no one can tell our fortune but ourselves. The answers are always in our heart already, just that we don’t want to face them or we don’t want to make the decisions. The truth is, we are the only ones who can make miracles happen. Nothing will happen if we don’t follow our hearts, and don’t get up and do the actions. So I decided to put my destiny in my hand, and that is why I joined Toastmasters, because I know if I try my best to know more people, Maybe, it’s just maybe, I will find a good and rich and handsome and fun guy just…… right here.


Do you think I need fortune tellers anymore? Of course I don’t. Fortune tellers are really expensive you know. They charge by hours! But I still believe in God and enjoy the mysterious feeling searching my future. So now I carry those with me. Whenever I am anxious or worried, I communicate with god by these. “Dear God, can you tell me if I can marry before this year? Do you want to know the answer? Well, the answer doesn’t bother me anymore. Because no matter what happened, I know I have follow my heart and tried my best. Otherwise, why do you think I join this competition? Because my toastmaster mentor told me there are more man in Fall Conference!! Life is like a mirror, if we smile at it, it smiles back. God might have a plan for us, but we are Toastmasters right? Toast yourself, master your life. Destiny is in our hands. We, can be the master of our lives. And….if you look like this guy, call me.