

Change? Change? Is change a bad thing?

Contest master, ladies and gentle men would you believe

Before I moved to Taiwan I was as skinny as a chopstick. Now look at me. I could use chopsticks to eat a horse.

Laugh with the audience!

Before marriage I decided everything. After marriage my wife makes make every decision. Where we go on vacation, where we live, she even decided what I would say today!

Since coming to Taiwan I have changed a lot.

I got bigger!

I had to give up control.

I didn’t like change. I thought change was a bad think. I thought it meant becoming something I am not.

Life changes me in a variety of ways: through work, through friends, and through family.

Stick with the script don’t deviate. You don’t have the extra time.



This story starts when My wife and I had been married for a little over a year.

Life was easy.

work out hand gestures through here

My wife went went swimming, running, and dancing with her girlfriends.

And I went to movies, bars, and parties with MY girlfriends.

Slow down on the series and speed up on the punchline.

Laugh with the audience!


One day we got wonderful news

The doctor told us we were going to have a beautiful little angel!

But nine months later we found out the doctors LIED!!! We didn’t get a ittle angel we got a cute little monster!

Yeah a yeah a monster.

we named our monster Amanda!

It was her goal in life to destroy our easy life. And surprisingly this change makes us better people.

Helicopter Mother

Fast forward a few years.

People liked this.

We are at a park. My wife Jenny is buzzing around the playground and our enemy is on the slide.

Forgot the underlined portion and didn’t seem to hurt it

Jenny buzzes into ‘rescue’ Amanda.

No no honey go down the slide not up it.

She rejoins all the other helicopter parents.

Helicopter parents buzz around the playground

Act out helicopter over the head MAKE IT BIG for the stage. Make thwopping noise.

1: Billy don’t take off your shoes

2: Billy, Don’t put MUD in your shorts

3: Don’t smoke that cigarette

The helicopter parents buzz, in an out in, in an out, in an out.

They move so much watching them makes me tired.

How do I hand the situation?

I am on the other side of the park enjoying a good book.

I yell at Amanda (?) “Amanda, don’t do that!”

cut underlined? Choose on stage!

“Do what dad?”

“Whatever you’re doing just stop it!”

don’t split the contraction

So what does that make me?

A Submarine father

Consider a gesture here or later that shows I am a submarine father

So what does that make me?

A submarine father

What does a submarine father do best?

I launch my MISSILES of parental guidance from wherever I am at my target no matter where she is!

 (Not working) The couch, my bed, or even in the bathroom!

Even a few years ago I was in bed with my beautiful wife.

Do you want me?

Yes, I want you! To put Amanda to bed!

Let them laugh

(scrunchy pouty face) that’s not want I meant! (voice trailing off)

So I sit up “Amanda go to bed!”

“But I am watching Youtube!”

Okay. So I grab my phone find the internet application and prepare my missile for launch!

3-2-1! (crouching down)

(Springing up arm above head) LAUNCH!

I watched (hand over brow like visor) and listened (hand around ear big flare for stage)

 let the pause hang a bit longer than comfortable

Amanda shrieks in anger. Then “The internet is not working.”

wait two seconds and move on don’t make comments

(Fist pump) Yes! Direct hit! (big smile)

Family Comparison and Change

Growing up my family were all submarines. My wife’s family were helicopters.

My family were didn’t want us to come home until late

My Wife’s family were there watching everything!

I have have to adapt.

I have had to change.

I have had to put wheels on my submarine! So I am ready to attack by land and by sea when my daughter needs me.

I have had to become a team player. My wife and I have to work together.

As with all teams we have a coach, my wife. And if I do exactly what she says we will ‘win’

If I don’t my daughter will use her (slow and clearly) 3D ATTACK:

She will play:

Act out each

Deaf: (hand over ears) I can’t hear you. I can’t hear you!

Dumb: (bobbing head hands raised) “ti a bu, ti a bu” (Taiwanese) “I can’t understand your English!”

Dead: (Leaned over and peeking up) Is dad gone? pause Is he there?


Am I a good submarine father?

Let them say yes

Is working with my wife a good thing?

Let them say yes

Am I as skinny as a chop stick?

Let them say no

I have found that change is good.

Change is not about becoming something I am not.

The truth is: change is about becoming more than I ever imagined I could be!

Final Joke

All of this talk of change is making me hungry!

I feel like I could eat a horse!

Pull out big chopsticks

Now, where can I find that horse!

let them laugh

Contest Master