I love money . But money doesn’t  love me?.  .Every year- end  party, When the lucky draw started , I was always expecting . This time, It should be my turn to win.  But when people won the TV, or the mini-bike, I always go... the mini soap; when people won 5000 or 10000 NT dollars, I always got the High quality toilet paper, It’s so unfair. So I whispered to people beside me “That TV is old fashioned and so Ugly. I will never put it in my house” or " Only 5,000 dollars !! Does he have to be so happy ? ” I just can,t control my mouth ! In Aesop's fables. There is a jealous fox who can’t get the grapes on the vine, so she tells everybody the grapes arevery sour. Do you know the fox? Stupid right . People always laugh at the her except me . Because I can totally understand her feeling.

But ,There is a lady . who Always wins the lottery . power Lottery. 六合Lottery . BINGO BINGO Lottery. She always wins big money And treats us big meals, Do you know who she is? .She is my mother-in-law. I asked her ." Mother .Why do you always know the lucky numbers ?" She said:." imagination!!. You have to understand the signs from Buddha in your daily life," imagination? But how?
for example:

One day my daughter was sick , because of that ,my mother-in law won the lottery . The Winning numbers were two and zero. 2, I understood, because my daughter vomited twice . But How about 0? my mother-in-law explained timidly…… when your daughter vomited, the shape of her mouth was an 0 La. Jesus ! Mom, you are a genius.
有一天我女兒生病,因為這事,我婆婆中了樂透 !關鍵數字是2和0.2我了解,因為我女兒吐了2次。但0呢?我婆婆不好意思地笑著解釋.當她吐的時候.她的嘴形看起來是個0!天呀..媽媽您真是個天才

Another time. I lost in the speech contest and complained to my husband. Then my mother-in-law pushed my husband away and asked me "Daughter . How many contestants yoday? " " how many judges?" "What’s the color of the meeting room..? " This time she won 20000 dollars and gave me 2000 dollars as bonus. Haha, losing is so wonderful, but not this time. OK!

For such a smart woman like me,. I can do this too! Let me try. One night, I dreamed that My husband was in bed.. with 2 women.... while I stood beside them with 3 flowers on my head….. I woke up right away, and wrote down the possible numbers 0, 1,0. (..38…)??!! sounds strange, but it's ok! I bet, this time, it,s gonna be me! Do you know how much I won? Nothing ,I lost all my pocket money. , My husband asked: ” Honey . What’s wrong with you? Are you pregnant?. "No, but it's even worse." "How come I never win when I gamble?" He hugged me and said “Darling .people say that marriage is a gamble and you have already won the biggest prize in this marrage . " "What’s that?" "ME" ”You…? …”…I cried even louder. I kept complaining and about my bad luck . Finally, my mother could't stand it anymore and said “ Enough ! Stop ..Don’t you know you are very lucky . Look at yourself . You are smart, beautiful and healthy! Besides, You have a good job .and a good family . Tell me. Which of these you would like to trade for big money ?You silly girl! .My Mother’s words struck me like a thunderbolt. And I finally understood why I could never win the lottory. Because I have already been the richest woman in the world.
對這麼聰明的我而言.這一點也不難.我來試試.那天晚上我夢到我老公躺在床上..和兩個女人.而我站在一旁.頭上戴了3朵花.我一躍而起.立刻寫下可能的數字. 兩個女人一個男人.啊!010(害羞笑)……3朵花在我頭上(比我婀娜身材是8)啊!我的數字是38.…..咦!好奇怪.但OK的.這一次一定是我.你們猜我贏的多少? 0......我輸了所有的私房錢..嗚嗚嗚嗚..我老公衝來問:「寶貝.你怎麼了?嗯..妳懷孕了嗎?」「沒有啦!但是更慘.我為麼總是在賭博中贏不了?」他摟著我溫柔地說:「親愛的.大家都說婚姻是一場賭博.其實你在這場賭博中已經贏了第一特獎......就是我」!「你?」嗚嗚嗚嗚......我哭得更大聲。我不停地向大家一直一直抱怨我很不幸運.終於我媽媽聽不下去了.他說:「住口.我的女兒.你從不知道你有多幸運嗎?你聰迷.漂亮.健康.再說.你有好的工作和家庭.告訴我.你要用哪一項去換取金錢?你這個傻女孩」媽媽的話像雷打在我的腦袋上.那一刻我總算明白.為什麼我永遠不會中獎.因為.我早就是世上最富有的女人了.

The two valuable lessons I’ve learned from my two mothers .My mother-in-law taught me : imagination plus creativity equals Good luck . .And My mother taught me to be satisfied with everything I have. If I couldn’t get the grapes on thevine, why not enjoy the strawberries by(at) my feet.SO, if I win this contest, that’s because you are the best judges and audience. If I don’t, I won’t say the champion is a sour grape. I will go back to enjoy my delicious strawberries . Because I decided to be a happy fox .