My Giraffe Students



A lot of people have asked me what I do for a living. Sumo? No, I am too skinny for that.  And I am not a bodyguard, neither. I am too fat for that. I am a teacher, though the first day I got to the school, the school guard stopped me because he did not believe it.




Contest master, honorable judges, ladies and gentlemen.




As a teacher, I often need to monitor students’ exam. You might think it’s rather boring, standing there, watching the students. But it’s actually quite interesting. Just imagine the classroom is a zoo, and students are animals, and you are taking a trip for fifty minutes.




Some students are like lions or tigers, strong, quick, and lethal, attacking the test paper to the pieces. Some are like bears…in the winter. (ZZZ…) They do not know what to write down anyway. Still others are like giraffes. They stick their necks super long during the test.




I always enjoy observing those giraffe students during the test. Do you know why I can always find them? Because I was the king of the giraffes.  After years of observation, I found there are three kinds of giraffes.




First, the super experienced giraffe is the professional. Their heads never moved, but their eyeballs are like tracking cameras. Within seconds, the job is done, and only the most experienced teacher could notice the problem. When you look at them, they are so calm. They will not look back at you, and just pretend that they are just working on their tests. To this kind of giraffe, I will simply walk down from the stage and stand between him and the target. That is also the reason that I never lose weight. I need the body size to block this kind of giraffe. This is for the education of Taiwan.




The second is the acting giraffe. They never peep directly. There will always be some fake actions to cover their real intent. Their action, is what always draws attention. For example, they will yawn and peek, turn the neck and peek, or even pretending to sleep and peek. This kind of giraffe is the easiest kind to deal with. Just walk to his side and stared at him, and the show is over.




The last kind of giraffe is the most interesting one: the guilty giraffes. . “To peek or not to peek, that is the question”. These students are often good students, they just can’t resist the temptation of getting higher grades. But because they are so inexperienced, so they really do not know how to do it right.  Their peek will always be hesitant. When they finally turned their heads, the skills are so bad that the teacher will catch him/her right away. The most interesting thing is, when you look at them, they will simply freeze. Their eyes will be so big and they will just look at you with the most innocent look on the face, showing “ I did nothing wrong, please”. Come on, when you are really working on the test paper, why would you spend any time looking at the teacher on the stage? I always spend a lot of time playing red light and green light with these students.




One day I asked get my giraffe students to my office, because I wanted to know why they cheated.




Hey you, why you peep at others’ test paper?

Because I was trying “locate” the right answer





Why your answers are all the same with the girl next to you?

Oh, that must because we are meant for each other.





You know, I really hope I didn’t see you peeping others.

I also really hope you didn’t see me.





Ladies and gentlemen, why do students cheat in the exam? I was also a giraffe, so I know. In the very end there is only one reason: because we are not well-prepared, and we don't have enough confidence in ourselves.




In our lives, there are times that that we lose confidence in ourselves and want to take a look at others’ answers. However, God has given us different lives with different questions, so the answers will never be the same. Then, what’s the point of looking at others’ answers? Especially, what if others’ answers are wrong? So there is only one way to make things work: Prepare well, try our best, and have faith.




Prepare well, so that we may have confidence in ourselves.

Try our best, so that we may feel pride in our work.

Have faith, because when we have faith, we can move mountains.






As you can see, this is the evidence. After 20 years of hard work and preparation, even a giraffe, can become a strong lion.




Contest chair.
