1. (Bra commercial on TV.) “Come here! Look at my new secret- the Magic Bra! // I bought it from the TV shopping channel. The Diva Lady AMA said wearing this magic bra will make me look so beautiful and attractive. Even my A minus cup (手勢), will look like C cup or even bigger. It does not only make my breast more centered; most importantly it makes them go UP! UP! I believe if my boyfriend sees me wearing this Magic Bra tonight, he is going to love me even more and will definitely propose to me to marry him!” (換場手指) This is the dialogue I heard at the Mr. Brown café a few weeks ago. A young lady was excited to share what she bought with her friend. (親切感) I really don’t know what she was thinking. I bet if her boyfriend sees her taking off that magic bra, he is definitely going to (kongfu kick)! She thought she bought some beautiful clothes to make her look pretty and sexy. But that just creates a beautiful illusion. That’s not enough to win her true love!


2. (Night Club) Last Wednesday me and my friends went to a must go night club in Taipei -Luxi. My friend Nikita really surprised me. Usually during the day she is a very sweet and polite office lady, but that night she wore a bikini top with very short hot pants. I could even see her buttocks from behind. When we entered the club, she started to walk like a Victoria’s Secret supermodel. (Walk). When the DJ played her signature music- She became a dancing queen: (beats) Donts, Donts, Donts, Donts-(dance) Don’t you wish your girlfriend was hot like me? Don’t Cha? // (回到我自己, 換位子) I have to say, it must be really hot because right after she finished the dance, a few foreig men approached her and started to talk to her in a flirting way. It seemed she quite enjoyed. Of course, that night she left early with them for their special “second round”! Before she left, she was so proud told us: “The only woman they want tonight – is ME!” (give an arrogant look!) I really don’t know what Nikita was thinking. Those foreign men just went to the night club to look for some easy Taiwanese girls. They didn’t even treat her as a lady. Although she’s got so many foreign men around her, she wouldn’t therefore get any respect.


3. (Plastic Surgery) My cousin Tom is a muscle man. Recently we met at a family reunion. (怪老子accent) “Look at my eyes!” “ Wow! What did you do?” “I just had a plastic surgery, Botox, and 3D laser. Now many people want to give me their phone number, including lawyers, professors, and even Toastmasters! Don’t look around. I know you are one of them. If I finish my nose job, face lift, and liposuction; I will look like my idol (撥頭髮) Tom Cruise! But it costs 600,000 dollars. So Kevin…..lend me some. OK?” () What was he thinking? Of course, No! He was totally addicted to it. Can’t he tell his value has been influenced greatly by the mass media? People are taught not to be satisfied with how we look. I feel pity because his value changed.


4. (Core Value) 表情勿嚴肅 陽光微笑) Similar cases to the 3 aforementioned stories might happen around us. I really don’t know what they are thinking? But I do believe, in addition to those outside things, there are still some other things beyond them. The value of a person is not simply the appearance. To keep yourself clean, neat and attractive is nice. But don’t forget: outside Beauty is only skin deep. True beauty comes from within (手勢): to share our love, to be sincere and get along with people, to contribute yourself 100% and reach your goals. // Mother Teresa doesn’t need the Magic Bra.// Master Cheng Yen doesn’t need to have a lot of foreign boyfriends.// Ms. Chen Shu Ju doesn’t need the plastic surgery. Still they are beloved, respected and followed naturally because they care about people who are in need and who are in suffering. They devote their love to the world. Their true beauty spontaneously overflows when people see the positive impact they bring to this  world. (溫暖微笑) SO CAN WE!


5. (Conclusion) Lady’s and gentlemen, to conclude my points, if you have bought some Magic Bra for yourself and for your grandma, and probably you are wearing some today, keep them! // If you have had some foreign boyfriends, keep -- in mind: your value doesn’t rely on them. And if you have done any plastic surgery, have you? No matter they are successful or not, there are still some areas worthwhile for our time and effort to make this world even more beautiful. When we are full of not only outside beauty, but also true beauty, our body shape goes UP; our spirit goes UP and everything goes UP! UP! UP!


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