你是老外。 No! I am not.
But you are foreigner.
you are the foreigner.你是外國人。

I am Francis, and I am here to share what I’ve learned people in Taiwan. I am hoping that we together to learn each other within the speech. I’ll also share something about myself, would you like to hear the secret? All right. 



I have… I have two secrets (making the gesture “four”), oh, two. One, I’m speaking English very well. It’s amazing, I wake up in the morning and that’s it. I don’t have to practice. Secret number two, I am a foreigner. I know, I know. But Francis, that sounds so “Chinese”.  


When I first came to Taiwan, a lot people told me that I look like a movie star. Yap! That made me very happy. And I say: Really?! A movie star, who? Brad Pitt? No, No, you look more like eh…Mr. Ben. I don’t do this. I don’t do that. I was lucky, (being interrupted by laughing) thank you.  

我第一次來到台灣,很多人說我長得像一個電影明星。對! 我覺得很高興。我?!真的嗎?一個電影明星?布萊德彼特嗎?不!不!你比較像豆豆先生。我不做這個的。我不會這個樣子。我當時很幸運,(被笑聲打斷)謝謝。 

I was lucky when I first came to Taiwan. After few weeks, I already made a friend. He really liked me, and he was funny. Every time we met his friend, he will say: That’s Francis. He (pause) is a naked speaker. ?! I am naked? It took me a week to understand that he meant a “Native” speaker.

When I first came to Taiwan, I didn’t speak Chinese, but I really wanted to learn. So I learned how to say
你好嗎? And that’s what I say. This is what I find out how incredible polite Taiwanese people are. Because When I say 你好嗎? They will say: oh, your Chinese is really good. And I talk to myself, how do you know? I only said 你好嗎? So I decided to do some tests.

And I said
你好嗎? Oh, it’s good. 你好 good. good. good. Mhmm good. Sometimes I walk on the street just cough. Oh, good... Taiwanese is very polite. Very, very polite. 

So after that, I found my wife in Taiwan, she’s rarely speaking Chinese. So we’re speaking English all the time, more often than Chinese. An interesting thing happened when we were on the street of Taipei. If I meet a guy, then maybe I speak to him in Chinese. When he answers it, he doesn’t answer to me, He answers to my wife. And, sometimes my wife doesn’t understand, so I translate (repeat) to her (in English). And I continue talking to the guy, and again he continues talking to her. Sometimes I move my wife over here, he keep talking to her.  


After few years in Taiwan, I could speak a little bit Chinese. And I went back to U.S., I went to Los Angeles. A Chinese Town is there. I just walking around, and hear what people speak. They were saying “老外,老外…”. And I am thinking Wow, that’s so cool; I understand what they are saying. They are saying “老外,老外,foreigner, foreigner.” But, wait a minute, I am not the foreigner. This is my country, you are the foreigner. Which I thought, I thought well, that probably just in U.S. So I then to the Mexico, I am a Latin American, I have friends in Mexico. So I have been over there and wanted to do something I was supposed to do. I walk into a store, and I talk to this lady in Chinese. And she said 你是外國人嗎?Are you a foreigner? And I said, No! I am a Latin American, you are a Chinese. This is my country, you are the foreigner here! 



So what I’ve learned here in Taiwan are the few things I would like to show you. Number one, I am good at speaking English. Two, I am clearly a native speaker. And three, I speak excellent Chinese, perfect Chinese, everyone can understand me. Five, no matter which country I am, I am the foreigner, because all the countries in the world belong to Taiwan.

And I hope you would learn some thing. One, you look it’s very important, many people think it’s a little strange. Pronunciation is really very important. Don’t say naked speaker.


When next time you have this problem, remember, you are the foreigner.

And the final, please, I don’t want to do this again. Thanks. 