When I was 5 years old, my mom always confused me; I thought my name was MY GOD.

Mom would looked at me and said, My God, stop crying! My God, eat your food!

My brother, one year older, all the time I thought his name was Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ dont kick your sister!

We were not easy kids, my brother and I The Dream team, we Challenge our parentsComfort Zone; We Add Colorsto the walls.

We were like this
… “Hey sis, this afternoon, Mom - will go shopping, We - will go swimming, In the river
J, Its OK, well go home early. But we never went home early. Usually mom came too early, with a weapon in her hand, My God Jesus, I told you, River is Danger, come home! (beat) No Play, Play (beat)

My father is different, he is Calm, Cool, he has The Look (pose)  I thought he was in CIA, Check Investigate All the time. Effie, show me your school bag, give me your paper. B, B again, you have problem with A? You know?! A is for Apple, B is for Beat. Give me your hand .. (beat) BB (beat)  Bring home Apple!
老爸就不同了,他沈著、冷靜,冷眼旁觀,我認為他是搞情報的。他總是不停地檢查,「艾菲!給我看看你的書包,把考卷給我」,B!怎麼又是B,你跟A有過節嗎?AAppleB是扁! 手拿出來!扁!扁!扁!下一次給我考個A回來!

My father drove us to school everyday, E-ve-ry-day, he told the teacher, Teacher, if they dont behave, beat them

Mom would bake a cake and went to our neighbor, Mrs. Chan, how are you, I bake a cake for you. Oh if my kids steal your flowers again, beat them, I am sorry


I told you, Life is not Fair!  We just tried to be funny, and these old people beat us all the time. I didnt understand, WHYyyy? Mom ex..plained,: Play More, Beat More; You young, you dont understand; You old, you understand. Stay alive! Remember, Life has to be lived For_ward, for..ward; But it can only be understood backward, backward I was like HAH??

But NOW (pause), I am older and alive, so I look . Back, Ohoh, Understood. NOW Its my turn, Its OUR turn, NOW, We beat the Kids! (Sing) Beat ItBeat It. Just Beat It! (Sing)   When kids try to be funny, they are no longer human, thats why we use It (Pose) Beat It! (Pose)
但是現在,我長大了,也還活著,我有資格回頭看了,我總算明白了!終於輪到我了!終於輪到我們了!可以開始打小孩了!(Sing) Beat ItBeat It. Just Beat It! (Sing)當小孩想找樂子的時候,千萬不要把他們當人看!那就是為什麼在英文裡,小孩是牠!就是扁牠!

Funny that people stop beating the kids nowadays. My friend says, We dont beat, We communicate. Come on, kids dont need Communication, they need Physical Sensation. Another friend wants me to pray for her son. I was like, HELLO, he doesnt need Praying, he needs Beating

To beat or not to beat!” ….. Haiya, thats NOT the question
To Beat is To Love; Love
. Hurts, Painful, but its Good !
To Love, you need
Powerful Weapon. My mom shared 3 secrets to choose powerful weapon for beating, and loving:
「打還是不打」.. Haiya,這從來就不是個問題

First  Your weapon should look Naturally Scary” –  (Props) This, 100% Leather, natural, Scary(beat)?; This, US Cotton, natural fiber, scary(beat)? And this (knife) is WRONG!

Secondly Your weapon should not has the capacity to kill the kid

Just Beating No Killing; Children are OUR Future.

I understand some kids are very funny; in that case, you need a gun! When they go crazy, you go crazy too. Pull the gun, pull the kid, outdoor, and boom! fire the gun, you have high chance of killing a bird. With a dead bird, show the kid, Kiddo, See.Naughty bird, Dead, you know what this means? This means……. Well have barbecue tonight J !!!!  With kids, mix Humor with Horror, confuse them, suspense!

Last your weapon should have Lifetime Durability

Have Vision! Kids grow up, With top quality weapon; One day you can give it away as Graduation Gift, Wedding Gift.

My father said: OK, for youwe wont beat you anymore. You young, B is for Beat; you old, B is for Boss. Take good care, be your own good Boss, no Bailout.

Mom hangs her Old Weapon on the wall, there - Historical item, Symbol of her past glory. Whenever we visit and see it, we are inspired to be our own Boss. We are reminded; one simple truth Life is NOT Fair. Life, is FUN J

Fellow Toastmasters, whether you Beat or you are Beaten, sometimes we dont understand. Thats OK. Just stay alive, with the Right Attitude, Life is always Fun. Do you agree?

(Sing) So Beat it, Just Beat it (Sing) 

Toastmasters, Lets beat Contest Master!