I have free lunch with my clients everyday; I hug and kiss (pause) my clients everyday. Also, I sleep with them (pause)after I change their diapers. My clients are kindergarten kids under 6.

Some of my friends think I am so lucky to have a job that can play with these little angels all the time. But they forget (pause) angels don’t shit their pants.

When I got the job, everyone around me was happy. My brother said, perfect job. Kids will never know how low (pause) your IQ is. My boy friend said, perfect job.(pause) around you, no men.

But in the beginning, I really hated my job very much because I have no idea how to control the kids.  Don’t run in the classroom! Obama! MacCain! Stop that! 

I had to yell and shout like a witch and had a sore throat almost every day. During the weekend, when I talked to my boy friend, without seeing my face, his mother thought his son was dating with(pause) a man.

Every afternoon,
(knee down )when I watched their beautiful, peaceful, sleeping faces, I really wish they would(pause) never wake up again. One day, my boss couldn’t stand it anymore and told me. Change! Yes, you can!

Yes , I can .I can lock them in the storage. Yes, I can. I can poison their milk. I can call their parents. You kid bully me! But I couldn’t. I don’t have(pause) a husband to pay my bills. So I made a decision to overwork every day.

I studied hard and made as many lesson plans as possible. I also consulted all my senior co-works to learn the practical skills I need. I even sacrificed my weekends with different potential
(pause) husbands. That’s why I’m still(pause) single and available. 

Finally, I reached my goal. I can successfully meet my clients’ needs now. I can turn my class into a warm comfortable little heaven full of laughers. Every year on Teachers’ Day, I receive a lot of Teachers’ Day cards with love, care and al lot of(pause) spelling mistakes(pause).Every new semester, I have new admirers much younger than I am. Some of the little boys even ask me(pause) to marry them! (pause) Before I joined TM, I thought age is the gap of communication. So I always said: you are too young! But now I answer: (pause)Is your father rich?  

I really enjoy the time with them and laugh at the jokes they make now.

Last month , a little boy took me to the bathroom, pointed at the toilet: Teacher, Look what I made inside! Since then, I made a decision: no more coffee flavor ice cream . (pause)

Several weeks ago, another little boy farted in class .Poo! But he wasn’t embarrassed at all and said: Teacher, my ass can talk! (pause)

Don’t you think adults lose the ability to enjoy simple, easy things? It’s much harder for us to find the little pleasure in our daily life.

Sometimes, complicated adults make children confused too.  

Once a kid ask me a hard question? Teacher, where are you from? My father said I am from(pause) a motel? What is a motel? Why my father likes to go to motels?

Oh, I really envy your mother! But he was not with my mommy. What! Don’t tell your mother anything about that auntie, ok? Teacher, it’s not an auntie, it’s my
(pause)uncle Jason! 

Kids are really angels. Besides making me laugh, they also teach me many things valuable.

When they say they need me. They really trust me. If my sister says, she needs me, she needs me and(pause)my money.

When they say they love me. They really mean that. If my boy friend says he loves me, he must  (pause)have done something wrong.  

I have a complicated mind so it’s hard for me to enjoy sweet words. I know I have to try to be innocent and simple, just like my clients. I know I have to learn to trust people and take things easy just like my clients.  

Watching the world like a kid is the source of happiness! We If adults can be more like them, life will be much easier. But not everything, (pause) I won’t change your diapers!