If there is a guy who wears a pure white coat, has a high social class and makes a lot of money, do you admire him? You do? OK! Let me tell you some stories of so-called doctors.

Personally, I am a doctor. When I was in the medical school, I went to the hospital to be a clerk. I remember, the first day I wore my brand new white coat and stepped into the hospital, I swore to God, I will become the greatest doctor, cure many patients, save many lives and date all the beautiful nurses in the hospital.

However, as time goes by, there were old doctors, young doctors, old nurses and young, pretty, charming nurses walking by me. Nobody ever paid attention to me. Like I was invisible. How can they treat a great doctor like this? Suddenly, a doctor in a long robe, with grey hair and a serious face came to me. He said “Are you my clerk?” He seemed to be somebody, so I replied with respect” Yes, sir!” “Come with me!” Then he put an X-ray film on the white board.

然而,隨著時間的流逝,醫院裡有老醫生、年輕醫生、老護士及年輕、漂亮、迷人的護士與我一起工作。沒人注意到我,好像我是隱形人一般。他們怎麼可以這樣子對待一個這麼優秀的醫生?突然,一位穿著長袍、滿頭灰髮及滿臉嚴肅的醫生走向我,他說:「你是我的 見習醫生嗎?」,他看起來像個重要人物,我很尊敬的回答:「是的!」,「跟我來!」,接著他在白板上放上一張 X 光片。

“What's this?”  ”Well, it looks like an X-ray film.””I know it's an X-ray film! I am asking you what's the patient's problem.”
”Well, it looks like there are some problems with his chest.”
”Of course there are some problems with his chest. Why the hell do you think he gets a chest X-ray. What's this?”
”It's the heart.”Heart!! You broke my heart. Is your heart on the right side? ”It is a cancer!! How can I teach a stupid clerk like you?”
「這是什麼?」,「嗯!這片子看起來有點像是 X光片!」,「我知道這是 X光片,我是問你這位病人有什麼問題!」,「哦!看起來病人的胸部好像有點問題!」,「我當然知道病人的胸部有問題,真是見鬼了!這是什麼?」,「心臟!」,「心臟?你真是傷了我的心!你的心臟在右邊嗎?這是癌症!我怎麼會有這麼笨的 見習醫生?」

 Then he just left. I stood there with tears swelling insides my eyes. The first day, I realized that clerks were the most humble people in the hospital and our job was to please the senior doctors, like a dog.

After the invisible life of clerks, I grew up and became an intern doctor. An intern doctor can prescribe some simple medications and perform some procedures. So, I was thinking, Haha! it's my turn to be a real doctor. This time, the patients will respect me and the nurses will worship me. When I was excited and imagining the romance that is going to happen to me.

 Suddenly, a young nurse came to me. She was the most beautiful nurse in the hospital. The flower of the hospital. At that time, I was sure that I heard something. OH no! It's my heart beats. I tried to stay calm. A great doctor can't be nervous.
 - 本院之花,此刻,我確信我聽到了一些聲音,不好了!原來是我的心跳聲,我試著冷靜自己,一位偉大的醫生不可以緊張。

She stood in front of me and smiled at me. Then she threw something on the desk. At first I thought it was a love letter. But it seemed too big and too thick. Unless she had so many things she wanted to tell me? No! It's a chart, the medical record of patients. She said “Room 13 complained of headache. He wants to see the doctor!” She didn't even call my name. Was she too shy or something? After 10 minutes, more than 10 nurses came to me and did exactly the same thing to me. ”Doctor, Room 6 wants to see you, because he can't sleep.” I realized intern doctors were just the cheap labors in the hospital who worked for more that 70 hours a week and got a little more than 10 thousand dollars a month. You do the math.
她微笑地站在我面前,丟個東西在桌上,起初我以為是情書,但是看起來卻大了點也後了點,難道是她有太多的話要對我說?不是!是張圖表,病人的就醫記錄。她說:「13房病人抱怨頭痛,他要找醫生。」,她甚至沒提到我的名字,她是害羞或是怎麼了?十分鐘後,超過 10位以上的護士都反應著同樣的事情「六房的病人無法入睡,病人要見醫生」,我理解到一個每週工作超過 70小時月薪不過萬餘的實習醫生只是醫院裡的廉價勞工,你自己算算看划得來嗎?

After I finished the seven years in the medical school, I became a resident doctor. Residents have to live in the hospital. Whenever the patients need us, no matter how sleepy we are, we have to get up and solve their problems.

One night, while I was sleeping, a nurse woke me up. I was unhappy. But I knew a patient must need me. So I grabbed the chart and rushed to the patient. ”Sir, how can I help you?” The man seemed a little confused, and then he said”I am ok, but I have some trouble sleeping.””Really? But the nurse told me you have a chest pain. It's very serious. ””No, I don't have any chest pain!””Well, ok, you are going to have open heart surgery tomorrow, so it's common to be nervous.””Wait!! I am just here for general examination! What open heart surgery?” At this time, the nurse came in, and she yelled ”Doctor Chen, Room 6 is the next door. What are you doing here?” I ran out as fast as I could. I realized, to be a good doctor, there are a lot of embarrassing lessons you have to learn.

Now, do you still admire those who wear white coats? Actually, I don't regret it, because I know, curing patients is never easy. And I will try my best to fulfill my dream---to be a great doctor!
現在,你還羨慕醫生嗎?說真的,我並不後悔,我知道,治癒病人並不容易,但是我還是會盡力的完成我的夢想 - 一位偉大的醫生。