If you are 36 and people said you look like 26, it's a complement; but if you are 26 and people said you look like 36, it's a punishment.  I've been punished. Some people are very friendly and said “oh, come on, Hubert, you don't look like 36… you are more than that!!!” Mr. Contest chair, fellow toastmasters, does age really matter? (1)If it doesn't then what does really mater? / (2) you think so?/ (3)I was on your side until…

Yesterday my mom told me a piece of surprising news.  She said my grandma is dating!!!  I said “mom, grandma is 92 years old.”  She said “yap, the guy is 90. It's been great!!! They never argue. Basically, they can't hear each other.” But grandma really loves that and she said it brings her back to her 20's. I started to doubt; does age really matter? Or having fun that matters?

Sometimes I wondered why people said that I looked like 36.  36 is around what we called “middle age” and middle age simply means when your age starts to show around your middle.

Last night when I picked up my girlfriend, she jumped on my scooter, and she jumped off and yelled “~~”, I said to her “Did you see the ghost?” “No, but but my hands are getting shorter.” I said “shorter?” she said “I use to hug you and make a circle but now I could only make it half way” “

all right, I know you won't love me anymore because I am getting fatter.” “No! Honey! Keep going!!! I love it! Make it bigger so that I don't need to hug you this way, I could hug you this way!!! It's even safer!!!” I started to doubt; does appearance really matter? Or having fun that matters?

Speaking of weights,
there is a heavy weight person in baseball world who created a record and become the honor, the glory of Asia. Can you tell me his name? Wait a minute, are you sure his family name is not
趙?  doesn't play baseball, he play fires.

Let's look at Wang; He is so amazing, so attractive and he is so much like me.  Both of us like to go to baseball court; he went there to throw the ball, I went there to eat my hot dog. He is 90 kg weight, and I have no idea of how much weight I had until yesterday when I finished swimming, I stood on the electronic scale and waited for the number but it only showed “please don't stand two people”

The most important factor of all is that he is 26 years old and that's exactly my age. When being asked how he felt that he broke the record of winning 19 games in a season but can't move forward to the championship, he answered “the record is important but what's more important for me is the process of creating the record. I do enjoy the process.” I started to wonder; does win or lose the game  really matter? Or having fun that matters?

Two years ago I was in the competition of English speech contest.  The second time to compete in District level. It was Sunday afternoon with a crowd of 800. I gave my speech, I thought I did great and I sit and waited for the result. It was announced. The second runner up, HU3 not me! Yes! One step forward! The first runner up, BERT3 not me again!

Yes! I knew I am going to get it. The 2004 Champion goes to (the moment was freeze)…I stood up and yell thank my father my mother my sister my brother my daughter my neighbor my scooter my helicopter and all you toastmasters!!! I've practiced it many times!!!  It goes to “Solomon Chen” “He is a good friend of mine…” I was depressed, disappointed but I was also determined.

I remembered what Wang said in his autobiography “Failure could break some men but still others break records.” So I ask Solomon what does really matter behind the contest and he answered “you have to love to speak” “Are you kidding? I am talkative!” “You don't love speaking until you could forget to win or to lose the contest!” “yap, right…could you please give me that trophy?”

Follow Toastmasters, ladies and gentlemen this afternoon I went to leave you with only this point; You could date with a 90 year old, you could gain you weight up to more than 90 kg and you could lose the contests for more than 90 times.  Make sure you enjoy every single moment in your life because having fun is being there!!! What does really matter? You name it!!!