Dear dad, would you please stop saying NO? 

Contest chairladies and gentleman, have you ever said “NO” to your children or being told “NO” by your parents? When I was eight years old, one day, I asked my dad: Will I be a spider man? He said “No”, we are men not spiders.

So I changed my mind, I said I want to be an astronaut to travel in the outer space. I want to be a scientist to win the Nobel Prize. But this time he said: No, although we are men, we are not supermen. I and my dad, we have totally different ways of thinking and personalities.

He is conservative but I am outgoing. He is shy but I am shining. But we have one thing in common, we are both very short. Besides, my dad is very strict. If I got bad grades, sometimes I would be blamed: Brian, what are you doing! Even three years old baby can do this math problem.

Are you idiot!!(Cry) Sometimes I got corporal punishment: (hurt) .


But this is not the end of my miserable childhood. I still remembered one day I got only 10% on my English test. I walked home with trembling hands and feet.

And a familiar voice came into my mind: Brian how was your test this time? (I said): not very good, Dad. (And my dad said): That's all right. Just tell me how much? It's not the first time, (I said) really? 10%. Suddenly he blew up and he pointed at me and yelled: Brian, what the hell's with your grades? Give me your test sheet!(hands out) (I said) no, Dad please, no…. this is kidnapping. Please stop kidnapping your son and his test sheet.

However I still gave in, I slowly took out my test sheet and quickly crumpled it up and put it into my mouth (show). I swallowed it. And this taught me two lessons: 1. Believe or not, paper is disgusting, do not try it at home. 2.

If you try to hide the evidence, don't try to hide in your stomach. After eating the paper, I had diarrhea for three days. However, my dad became even stricter to my grades.


B: Can I go camping tomorrow?

D: NO, you don't have time for camping, you need to study.

B: Can I eat pizza?

D: NO, you don't have time for eating, you need to study

B: Can I do my homework?

D: NO……No problem.

As for dating a girl in high school, the answer is simple:” NO”. But I did have a girlfriend on the down low. One day, I lied to my dad I had to study homework with my friends, but actually I went out with my girlfriend. That was our first date. I was so excited.

While we were holding hand in hand and shopping around the shopping mall happily, suddenly, I saw my dad. His face looked like he saw two aliens standing in front of him. (With eyes& mouth open) (He said) Brian what are you doing here? You are going to study with your friends, aren't you? (I said) yeah dad (stammer)~ we are….we are…. doing our homework.

We are just doing the marketing survey. (Dad) Why are you two holding hand in hand? (I said)(
打手) No, we are not holding hand in hand. We just…we just...what? (With hand gesture); teacher wanted us to do the homework “together”. And my dad said: Ok. I'll help you finish your marketing survey, so he joined us.

And that was my first date with my lovely girlfriend and my evil dad! Couple of days later, my dad said he had a business trip to Japan for a week. I said : Dad, have a nice trip. But I told myself (That would be great, I could take my girlfriend home and nobody will know)

So, I took her home and I prepared a candlelight dinner and played the romantic music. When we finished our dinner, we stood up and started to dance and ready to have a passionate kissing. At that moment, I heard something weird.

So, I turned around and that was my dad! What are you doing over there? Are you two kissing? I can't believe! I'm so embarrassed. Are you finished? (I said) Noooo, we are not…we definitely are…not kissing. We are just practicing the CPR. Fortunately, he didn't join us to practice CPR this time.

As time goes by, my dad gradually says no to me less and less. So now it's my power to say no to my dog lucky. One day, when I walked my dog, I realized one thing.

B: NO…lucky, don't eat chicken. You know we are vegetarians, don't you?

B: NO…lucky, don't pee there. That is not polite, pee the bad neighbors.

I love my dog; that's why I say “NO” to him all the time. So does my Dad, he says no because he wants to protect me, he says no because he loves me. And sometimes he says no because there is no reason.

And what I have learned from my dad is: To show our love, is it necessary to always say no? Of course not, so ladies & gentlemen, why not we say in a more positive way? Try to respect and trust them! Next time, try to say: No problem! 

Contest chair…….