25 years age, when I was a young, beautiful girl, I had a dream, one day a handsome prince will ride his white hours and take me to his Castle.

 My dream came true in 1979, in a beautiful Sunday morning, I met my prince not in a resplendent dancing party but on the bus, he fall in love with me at first sight, one week later he knelt down in front me on the bus and proposed: Marry me , I'll give you everything? I looked at him, He wore dirty jeans, old T-shirt, but he was so handsome and had magnetic voice, I close my eyes and thought prince charming then shouted: Yes, I do?
我的夢想在 1979 年實現了,在個美麗的星期天早晨,我遇到了我的王子,不是在華麗的舞會上,而是在公車上。他對我一見鍾情,一個禮拜後,他在公車上跪著向我求婚:「嫁給我吧!我會給妳全世界!」,我看著他,他穿著一條髒牛仔褲、舊運動衫,但是他是如此的英俊並擁有一副迷人的嗓子,我閉上眼睛且想像迷人的王子說:「是的!我願意!」

After married, I thought we'll have a fancy and splendid wedding ceremony, no? He took me and his relatives to the night market. after dinner my prince wanted to take me to his castle, not on his white house but on his second hand bicycle, when we got there, to my surprise, there was no castle, all I can see it just a small apartment, and that tiny place was for me, my prince, his mother, and three dogs, it was so small that I had to leave my suitcase outside.

It was a special but crowded first night, evening came I changed into my sexy satin dress, turned off the light, we went to bed, that was when my nightmare began, one minute later, I heard a loud noise?. I opened the window to see if we were near the airport, nothing there, the sound not from outside, I turn the light on, it was my prince, he snored just like a tank, then I heard another noise from near door, my mother-in-law was snoring too, there were harmonizing! I looked at three dogs, it seems there were enjoying the noise, because they had their ears covered with their little paws.

From that night, I never had a good night sleep just sat beside my prince and looked at him snoring, it bothered me a lot so I tried many ways to stop the noise, if I pushed him, he stopped for 5 seconds, turn over, then snored again, I tried earplugs, It did not even soften the rumble, I tried to go to bed before but I was rudely awakened to the sound of a fright train.

I begged him to see a Dr., he replies in an innocent sound: I snore? My girlfriends never complained before, you may have problem with your ears. It really drove me crazy.

One night, I was so desperate to stop the noise, I put the pillow over his mouth, suddenly, he stop snoring, everything was quite, then it seemed he stop breathing, I was so scared, I remove the pillow and did mouth to mouth resuscitation, he woke up and thought I was kissing him. I discovered that, every time when he stopped breathing for a while, I did mouth to mouth, and then it resulted in one more baby. Each baby snored louder then the previous one,


oh~~~ my goodness, I am turning into a snoring factory.

20 years passed , my price bought me a really castle, now I can sleep like a baby, my price snore in his room, my son snore in the third floor, my two daughters snore in the second floor,  and two dogs already learned how to snore.


one night my price came to my room and wake me up, when I opened my eyes , I saw my son, two daughters, and two dogs in front of me , they looked at me with sleepy eyes, I hold my daughter’s hand: what’s wrong honey ? She answered: Mum, we love you so much, but could you please stop snoring?


Ladies and Gentleman, to guarantee you a harmony family and happy marriage, my best suggestion for you is : if you can’t beat them, join them.
