I got a very good personal experience during my first trip in HK ten years ago.  After finishing my lunch, I went to a very huge, splendid shopping mall called ¡§Harbor Town¡¨.  Suddenly, I felt my stomach got some problems. 

Ouch, I have to answer the call of nature.
  I asked a shop's clerk ¡§Excuse me, where is the restroom, please?¡¨ she's very kind and reply, ¡§What kind of restroom do you like?¡¨ (Pause) I was a little confused but I answered, ¡§Of course, western style for men¡¨.  She smiled and said, ¡§Oh, I see, you just go straight and turn left, it on the corner.¡¨  I said, ¡§Thanks very much¡¨ and I walked slowly like a Hong Kong's gentlemen to approach the restroom. 

When I  reached the corner she pointed out, I couldn't find any restroom but a big shop sign came into  my view.  Wow!  Its name was¡§Mannish Steak Restaurant¡¨.  ¡§Oh, no, that's a big mistake! This ¡§restaurant¡¨  is not my ¡§restroom¡¨¡¨.  I hurried up to ask another  guy, ¡§Excuse me, could you tell me where the toilet is, exactly?¡¨

He kept a straight face as a normal Hong Kong People and said, ¡§ Just go straight and turn left. It's on the corner!¡¨  I couldn't think over too much and ran away to search my toilet. (Pause)  Humm! I really lost my cool.  In the crunch time, I finally saw my toilet for real. 

That's great!  I rushed into the restroom and there were two toilet rooms.  I wanted to open the first door but it's locked and I tried another one, it's locked, too. (Pause)  I almost flipped out and couldn't control myself.  I knocked the door ## ¡§Hello!¡¨ but nobody answered.  ¡§What! Nobody is inside but the door is locked?¡¨  Abruptly, I glanced a small sticker on the door ¡V McDonalds.  ¡§What is going on?¡¨

¡°¡°  ¡§Is it nothing to do with McDonalds?¡¨  I rushed out quickly and asked a young guy how to open the door.  He said, ¡§Well, man, don't have a cow, you gotta go to McDonalds to buy something and get a key¡K.¡¨  ¡§Holly Cow! That's a great news!¡¨ I rushed to McDonald ¡Ö¡Ö but that's totally crowded there.  I had to line up to wait for 5 minutes!! 

(Pause) In the end, it's my turn to order and I requested, ¡§ a small cup of coke and a toilet key.¡¨  The waiter looked at me strangely and shouted behind desk ¡§a small cup of coke and a toilet key!!¡¨ (Pause) I looked down my stomach and felt everybody was looking at me. (Pause)  This made me sweat and my shirt was wet. 

Anyway, when I got a key and coke, I rush back to toilet.  I inserted the key into the keyhole and opened the lock
¡¯¡¯.  I wanted to push the door with my full energy and power but I couldn't.  I was at the end of my rope and I almost cried. (Dropping the key)  ¡§Oh, damn, I couldn't stand it any more! ¡°¡° Somebody helps me! Oops!I tried again to kick the door¡·.  Unexpectedly, the door was opened slightly ¡®¢M.

(Pause)  I rushed in and closed the door ¡V Yes! Bingo! I got it!  It's a ¡§mission impossible¡¨. (Pause) I felt thirsty and exhausted. (DRINK COKE) ¡§Yuck! It's disgusting!  It's my first time to drink coke in the toilet!¡¨ (Pause) It suddenly occurred to me that the key was still on the outside of the door.  I held the door's handle tightly
¢G¢Gand checked if somebody rushed in.  Then, I opened the door slowly ¡K to pick up the key as soon as possible. 

Humm! I was all of a sweat and my shirt was wet again.  (Handkerchief) Oh, that's great! Where is toilet paper?
¡¯¡¯¡¯ ¡§Maybe, I can use¡K¡¨.  When I finished, I was totally burned out.  But, I had to return the key to McDonalds. I said to the waiter, ¡§ Well, your coke is really disgusting but I need a big one, Thanks for your magic toilet!¡¨ 

 Ladies and Gentleman, If you like to go to Hong Kong next time, there are three things you have to do in the first -- ¡§Get the key for your toilet¡¨; ¡§ Don't panic to open the door¡¨; ¡§Don't forget your toilet paper¡¨.  Then, you can enjoy your lovely toilet!!  Got it, guys?

Good Luck!