Dear Fellow Toastmasters Members
and Guests,
距離2016 春季大會 (4/30- 5/1) 只剩下最後兩天!
2 Days to Go!
Opening Ceremony – Banner Parade
此次春季大會的會旗定於12:30在 圓山飯店12樓舉行。請分會執旗代表於12:00在12樓走廊集合,以利準時出席。
For Spring Conference, we will have the banner marching first, starting at
12:30 PM and please line up at 12:00 noon.
Thank you for your help in this matter.
2016 D67 春季大會報名消息
Spring Conference Registration News
大家都知道 D67總會有關春季大會報名的網頁已經撤下,感謝大家踴躍報名,我們星期六的晚宴已經沒有名額。
但是當場可以用現款買兩天票 $1500及一天票$1000,還有$300 的單場票。
前幾天我們的公關長劉清痕提出一個新的計劃,就是你買的單場票,如果在 6-30-2016 前成為新會員,總會會以分會為單位申請,退還你付的 $300,
所以請大家多帶朋友來體驗一下 Toastmasters 的精彩。
Right now, we do not have any place for Saturday night’s dinner.
But, we can still sell two days tickets without dinner for $1500 and one day
ticket for $1000, plus $300 for a single session.
Remember our PR officer, Michelle Liu promote a new program a few weeks ago,
if your friend becoming a new member before 6-30-2016. Then, you will be
reimbursed for the $300. This refund will be handled through your club.
We have council meeting on Sunday’s morning, if President, EVP unable to
attend please make sure assign your proxy to one of your club members or
your area director.
Please pay attention to the following
1) |
Pleaser do not bring outside food to eat in the hotel lobby or
meeting room. |
2) |
Please remember to bring your drinking bottle for helping the global
warming problem, we will not offer Coffee or Tea at our break time,
we have only water and juice. |
3) |
總會決定春季大會,我們將不販賣拍攝好的 DVD, 所有的節目會儘快上網以供會員欣賞!
We are not going to sell the Spring Conference convention DVD. We
will upload the 2-day program onto D67 website for everybody’s easy
viewing. |
這次大會前奏曲是 Toastmasters 快閃,如果有空歡迎星期五下午三點至台北車站觀賞
Please join the “Flash Mob” performance on April 29, 2016 at 3 PM Taipei
Main station.
歡迎來圓山,讓我們 ”圓夢今朝 躍登群山”!
Welcome to Grand Hotel, let’s “Dream Big, and Conquer the World”!
Best regards,
Caroline Kiang, DTM
Toastmasters D67