Dear Toastmasters,
Taipei, Taiwan. April 12th to 13th, 2014 An Unforgettable Weekend. And a video that touched all our hearts. 最難忘的週末。最激勵人心的影片。 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4KIKWxhbK14 Pre-Order 2014 "Spring Into the World" Conference DVD now! 600 NT only for full set! Get all the live footage of the joy, excitement, and inspiration from a historic weekend!! 預購 2014 躍馬迎春 放眼天下 春季大會 DVD: 整套只要600元! 全程記錄, 重新回味整個週末的雀躍,精彩,與感動! PreOrder DVD HERE: http://tmtw.iselluwin.com/2014spring/ To All Contestants: congratulations on your success in reaching the District stage. You have all proven yourself by attending the 2014 Spring Conference. Thank you for sharing your wit, humor, intellect, and inspiration! We have gained so much. 各位參賽者:恭喜您榮登演講協會的全國舞台。您肯定了自己的努力, 證明了自己的實力。 您所分享的幽默,機智,聰穎,與啟發讓我們收獲良多,謝謝! First batch PHOTOS HERE!!
[email protected] H部總監 Division H Governor 黃師堯 Lawrence Huang OFFICIAL WEBSITE: http://tmtw.iselluwin.com/2014spring/