




Dear fellow Toastmasters,

     We are here to remind you that the shuttle bus service won’t be available at the last minute’s request.  If you need this service, please register for it before 12 o’clock on April 13th.  If you need to go to 朝馬 bus station or THSR (Taiwan High Speed Railway) Taichung Station at the end of the first day, we suggest you take the taxi and go together with other members to save the cost. The estimated fare for a single trip is about NT$500 for a maximum of 4 passengers. If you need this car pool service, we’d like to help organize it. Please email Angel Chang([email protected]) and tell her your phone number, names and the number of passengers.
在此要提醒您,春季大會接駁車因車輛無法臨時調度,故最後登記接駁截止時間為413日中午12點之前。另外,若您需於第一日活動結束後,前往朝馬或台中高鐵站者,建議您以共乘方式搭乘計程車前往,以節省費用。費用預估為單程500元,可搭乘四人,若您有需要搭乘,我們很樂意為您統整名冊。請MAIL您的聯絡電話及姓名與搭乘人數至[email protected],謝謝。

Sincerely yours,
Jennifer Huang, Teresa Chang  
黃緹涓、張海星,  CEO 大會總幹事
Emma Lin     
林以媜, Chair, Div. B Governor
Bruce Yang   
楊博志, Chair, Div. I Governor
Harriet Liao   
廖淑靜, Chair, Div. L Governor
Frank Ho     
何昆澤, Chair, Div. F Governor

with Committee members of 2013 Spring Conference
