2013 Spring Conference in Taichung
Theme: Spring High, Reach the Sky
2013年 春季大會在台中

Dear fellow Toastmasters,

How have you been?  Right after the Lunar New Year holidays, the fourth preparatory meeting for 2013 Spring Conference in Taichung had been held.  As usual, besides the competitive and great contests, we will have many wonderful workshops for our members to share and learn.  Daniel Rex, the CEO of the headquarters, has been invited to be the keynote speaker.  It goes without saying that we are to learn a lot from him.  Come to the conference, and you are sure to witness all the highlights, including exciting speech contests, educational workshops and speeches as well as fascinating shows at the dinner party.  

年假過後,我們召開了春季大會第四次的籌備會。跟以往一樣,在2013春季大會,除了各項比賽,我們同樣的安排了許多很棒的教育訓練課程;這次的主題演說邀請到的是世界總會的執行長Dan Rex。只要您撥冗參加這次春季大會,扣人心弦的各項演講比賽,富有教育價值的演說及教育訓練,還有精彩絕倫的晚會節目都將一一呈現在您眼前。

The website for 2013 Spring Conference is ready for you to explore.  Go to the website of District 67 in Taiwan, and link to the website of 2013 Spring Conference.  More and more information is to be added in the website.  Online registration is available, and the early bird registration is from March 11 to April 7.  You are more than welcome to come to 2013 Spring Conference in Taichung.  Join us, and make your life more colorful.

2013春季大會官網已連結到我們國際演講協會官網。網站上的資訊會持續不斷的更新。早鳥的報名日期是從三月十一日到四月七日,採線上報名。 我們真誠地歡迎您參加2013春季大會,讓我們一起為我們的生活添加更絢麗的色彩。

Sincerely invited by :
Jennifer Huang, Teresa Chang   黃緹涓、張海星,  CEO 大會總幹事
Emma Lin      林以媜, Chair, Div. B Governor
Bruce Yang    楊博志, Chair, Div. I Governor
Harriet Liao   廖淑靜, Chair, Div. L Governor
Frank Ho      何昆澤, Chair, Div. F Governor
with Committee members of 2013 Spring Conference


2013 Spring Conference in Taichung
Theme: Spring High, Reach the Sky
2013年 春季大會在台中

Dear fellow Toastmasters,
Highly expected 2013 Spring Conference will be held at Hsiangyuan Educational Training and Resort Center in Taichung on April 20 and 21. With all the effort to plan the programs well, we aim to provide you a brand new conference. No matter you are new or senior members, you are sure to gain something valuable as long as you come to 2013 Spring Conference. Therefore, we sincerely invite you to spare your time for this wonderful event. Let’s enjoy and learn together.
The information of the admission fee is as follows, and more details will be provided for your reference soon. Please pay close attention to it.

Early bird :1800元
After the deadline:2100元
The 1st  day & the dinner party:1500元
The 1st  day:1000元

The 2nd day & the dinner party:1500元
The 2nd day:1000元
The 1st day & the 2nd day:1500元
The dinner party:600元


早鳥 :1800元
第一天+ 晚宴:1500元

第二天+ 晚宴:1500元
第一天+ 第二天:1500元

Sincerely invited by :
Jennifer Huang, Teresa Chang   黃緹涓、張海星,  CEO 大會總幹事
Emma Lin      林以媜, Chair, Div. B Governor
Bruce Yang    楊博志, Chair, Div. I Governor
Harriet Liao   廖淑靜, Chair, Div. L Governor
Frank Ho      何昆澤, Chair, Div. F Governor
with Committee members of 2013 Spring Conference



2013 Spring Conference in Taichung
Theme: Spring High, Reach the Sky
2013年 春季大會在台中

Dear fellow Toastmasters,

Register right away, and you are sure to get more than what you expect at 2013 Spring Conference in Taichung.  Great speakers, marvelous contestants, wonderful trainers, and your friends from all over the island will make your day(s) on April 20th and 21st.  The earlier you make the decision to come to the conference, the better place you will have for the dinner party.  The registration began on March 11th, and the deadline for the early birds is on April 7th.  Let’s seize the opportunity to learn and to share.

不要猶豫,馬上報名參加在臺中舉行2013春季大會,您會有意想不到的收穫哦!  想想,在四月20日及21日兩天,我們有很棒的演講者、參賽員、教育訓練的講師,及來自全國各地的會員朋友們。越早報名,晚會的位置就越好!早鳥的報名截止日是4月7日。請把握這機會, 讓我們一起學習,一起分享。

With the effort of our committee, Toastmasters was on TV on Monday, March 18.  Through TV broadcasting, we promote not only 2013 Spring Conference but also Toastmasters.  It’s OK if you missed the promotion on TV, but be sure to come to this conference in Taichung.   Go to the website for 2013 Spring Conference (http://tmtw.iselluwin.com/2013spring) which provides necessary information for you to surf.  Explore the website and register online at once.  If you need any other further information from us, don’t hesitate to let us know.  We are always at your service.


Sincerely invited by :
Jennifer Huang, Teresa Chang   黃緹涓、張海星,  CEO 大會總幹事
Emma Lin      林以媜, Chair, Div. B Governor
Bruce Yang    楊博志, Chair, Div. I Governor
Harriet Liao   廖淑靜, Chair, Div. L Governor
Frank Ho      何昆澤, Chair, Div. F Governor
with Committee members of 2013 Spring Conference