Dear fellow Toastmasters,

It’s been a great honor to lead my division to come back to assist organizing this annual Fall Conference. During every preparation discussion, we try to think of all possibilities to make the event special and successful. From every task team report, I witness the best demonstration of a core value in Toastmasters-Dedication to Excellence. This also resonate with the many outstanding Toastmasters. They show care and love to members and help them to grow and fulfill their dreams while achieving their owns. Their leadership and charisma improves the quality of meetings, educational programs, club operation and the development of whole district. Fall conference is one of the best opportunities for you to learn from the best!
很榮幸地能在今年領導我們分部重返一年一度秋季大會的籌備工作,在每次的籌備會議中,我們討論所有的可能性來讓這個大會能夠特別而且成功,在每個工作小組的報告中,我見證了演講會核心價值的最佳示範那就是“追求卓越”! 這也體現在許多傑出的演講會會員身上,他們付出關懷與愛來照顧其他會員,並幫助他們成長,在成就自己夢想的同時也成就了其他會友的夢想。他們的領導能力與領袖特質不但提昇了會議、教育訓練及分會營運的品質也促成了整個台灣演講會的永續發展。 秋季大會剛好就是一個讓您向最優秀的佼佼者學習的最佳的機會!

This year we have meticulous arranged great keynote speeches, workshops, contests and programs. A good news is that the admission is the lowest in many years and I believe this can become an incentive to help many members make a decision to join. I want to sincerely welcome you all to participate in the 2012 Fall Conference to meet the other excellent speakers and outstanding leaders and to become a better person! This is going to be a unforgettable experience in your life!
今年的秋季大會我們精心安排了專題演講,教育訓練,演講比賽及晚會節目等活動,有一個好消息要和大家分享的是,今年的入場費用是許多年來最優惠的一次, 我相信這點可以讓一些會友們下定決心參加今年的秋季大會。我也要再次誠摯地邀請您參加今年的秋季大會,來會一會其他優秀的演講者與領導者進而變成一個更棒的人! 這將會一場令您永生難忘的經驗!


James Lee
Division E Governor, Co-organizer of 2012 Fall Conference
E 部總監-2012秋季大會協辦