




Dear Fellow Toastmasters,   在籌備小組的共同努力之下,2011年中華民國國際演講協會春季大會的首頁終於出爐了~ with a collective works by the executive committee members,  the official webpage of 2011 Spring Conference is online~
2011春季大會中文官方首頁 https://sites.google.com/site/springconference2011/
2011 Spring Conference Official English Webpage https://sites.google.com/site/2011tmspringconferenceeng/  首頁中我們將陸續為您更新更多的最新訊息, We'll update any news release in real time,
包含大會會議議程、各項精采訓練課程、晚會內容及住宿交通資訊等等。 including the latest conference agenda, training programs,  evening party, accommodation and transportation info, etc...
並請您參考報名相關資訊的連結, Please also refer to the registration info.    今年度的春季大會報名期間由3月15日起至大會當日為止,早鳥的優惠期間則至4/6日截止,敬請各位會友儘早完成報名。 Registration for 2011 Spring Conference runs from Mar 15 until the last day of the conference. Early bird discount  is available until April 6 only, so act now and register!
由於花博期間台北市的飯店住宿相當熱門,亦請大家儘早住宿地點的安排及預定。 Due to the Flora Expo, the vacancy for accommodation is limiting, we suggest you the make the arrangement as earlier as possible. 
大會籌備小組已為大家爭取多家優質住宿選擇及優惠房價,詳細的價格於優惠內容將會即時更新,敬請期待! The SpringCon ExCom team members have selected many quality hotels with bargain price and convenient transportation,detailed pricing lists and information will be updated real-time.
最後,謹祝各位 萬事如意,並有個美好的周末假期~ Lastly, we wish you a pleasant weekend holiday!

2011年春季大會籌辦委員會 2011 Spring Conference Committee

大會共同主席 Conference Co-Chair C部總監 Div. C Governor 李威霖 William Lee, DTM
大會共同主席 Conference Co-Chair H部總監 Div. H Governor 王騰旭 Tim Wang CTM, CL
大會副主席 Conference Ass.-Chair J部總監 Div. J Governor 莊士勇 Steven Chuang ACB, CL
