誠摯感謝 |
Dear Fellow Toastmasters,
各位親愛的會友們 Thank you very much for your great support to the 2010 Fall Conference. I sincerely hope that you had a great time and a fruitful harvest during the weekend. 感謝您對2010秋季大會的大力支持。誠懇地希望您的週末既愉快又收獲滿滿。 It is the very first time in the conference that we provide "First Timer" ribbon to our new participants; the first time we have "Red Carpet Walk" to honor those who achieved great success; and the first time that we provide conference questionnaire for participants to express their precious opinions and comment to the conference. 這次的秋季大會我們有一些創舉。我們為第一次參加者準備了彩帶;我們邀請上年度榮獲總會長傑出成就獎的會員們走上紅毯接受大家的喝采;我們發問卷請參加者表達對這次大會寶貴的意見與建議。 Everyone in the Conference Committee worked very hard in the past 6 months to make it happen. Though challenging, I believe we all learn through the process. 秋季大會籌備會的每一位成員,努力了六個月來籌劃並完成任務。雖然非常具有挑戰性,我相信大家都在這個過程中獲得很多寶貴的經驗與心得。 Following is a letter from the 2010 Fall Conference Chairs and Co-Chair. 下面是一封來自2010秋季大會大會主席與副主席的一封信。 Let's meet one another soon! 讓我們相約於不久的將來再見! Sincerely, Grace Shih 施惠芳 LGET 2010-11 教育副總會長 ---------------------------------------------------------- Dear Toastmasters Fellow Members, 各位親愛的演講會會友 2010 Fall Conference was concluded. 2010秋季大會已順利落幕。 Maybe we have left out some details or perhaps our arrangement is not perfect. But we have kept you in our heart and tried our best. 過程中,也許,我們忽略了許多細節;或許,大會的安排未能盡善盡美。然而,請相信我們是竭盡所能地提供給大家最好的服務!希望您能滿意。 Thanks all members who join Fall Conference. Because of your attending had made conference even more memorable. Because of your participation and fully support, give conference committee the power to overcome any difficulties we have. 再次誠摯感謝所有參與大會的會友。因為有您的蒞臨,讓我們共同經驗一場難忘的美好時光。因為有您的熱情參與及支持,給了秋季大會籌辦單位更多的勇氣與力量去克服種種困難!再次深表感謝~ Moreover, If you lose your camera、sunglasses、Digital Record Pen、Jacket….etc. Please Contact Tim Wu as soon as possible. Mail: [email protected] 此外,假使您遺失了相機、太陽眼鏡、數位錄音筆、外套…等物品的會友,請盡速與K部總監Tim Wu聯繫(Mail: [email protected])。 Hope all of you have a wonderful time in Tainan City!! 盼您的台南之旅,有著愉快且豐富的時光。 See you all in Spring Conference! 春季,相約于台北,再敘~ Best regards, 2010Fall Conference Chair, Jeffrey Huang 2010Fall Conference Chair, Tim Wu 2010Fall Conference Co-Chair, 黃淑媛 2010 秋季大會主席 黃瀚誼 2010 秋季大會主席 吳庭耀 2010 秋季大會副主席 黃淑媛 99.11.22