

How To Be Funny To Make More Money

Training CampTraining 1Registration Form

日期: 97年 4月 27日 07:00-09:30 AM
日安_KAFFA  北市南京東路三段 303 24(地下樓) 王朝大酒店 (原環亞飯店) 2分鐘路程
公車: 南京東路、復興北路口 7446279254左、54869282292306307604.
捷運木柵線南京東路站 距王朝大酒店 (原環亞飯店) 5分鐘路程
This 2.5 hour breakfast session is an unscripted, un-rehearsed, live question
  and answer session with one of the most successful professional products of Toastmasters International.
  Anything goes and this is your chance to ask anything you want about The World Championship of:
  ․ Public speaking
  ․ Writing books or
  ․ Becoming a professional speaker
座位: 不到 60 個座位
報名: 97年 4月 15日 報名截止
Ichi Su 0911-739-279, Kelly Yang 0936-156-387
[email protected]  
費用: 成人 Adult  $900     學生 Student $700   附自助早餐
優惠 兩場都報名者  成人 Adult  $1,900     學生 Student $1,500
講師: Mr. Rory Vaden, MBA  

2007 World Champion of public speaking  1st Runner Up

  Co-Founder of a multi-million dollar speaking and training company - Success Starts Now!™.  It puts on multi-thousand person motivational sales training conferences all across the country.
  The author of “No Laughs to Know Laughs – How To Be Funny To Make More Money” and the new book “Influencing an audience of 1 or 1000 – Time Saving Techniques for Creating Compelling Presentations.”