




Dear T/Ms friends,

Spring Convention on April 26th and 27th is counting down!  Registration is formally open for T/Ms island-wide and overseas. 
春季大會即將於426, 27日舉行, 主辦單位已開始接受登記報名. 

Attached is the agenda and registration form for your ref.  Please distribute it to all members in your Division, your area, your club and your friends.  This year, we will held the Convention at 王朝大酒店 (原環亞飯店) in downtown Taipei for the utmost satisfaction for everyone. 
隨函所附上的報名表, 煩請傳送給 各部, 各分部, 各分會及你所熟識的朋友, 今年春季大會將假台北市 王朝大酒店
(原環亞飯店)舉行, 相信會使多數參加者感到方便滿意. 

The special rate for early birds will be valid till April 18.  Since seats are limited, please register at your earliest convenience and mark it on your calendar.  Please also encourage your members to visit District Website from time to time  for  updated information. 
及早報名者的優惠價格之截止日為 418. 本次大會一如往年盛況可期, 座位有限, 敬請各位會員及早登記報名之外, 426. 27日兩天, 在日曆上, 月曆上, 記事本上, 隨身電腦上 明顯登記備忘. 另外也請各會員隨時上網瀏覽總會的網站, 以便隨時得知春季大會的最新動態. 

Meanwhile, you maybe interested in knowing that what makes this year's Spring Convention special and unique that you must consider to join?  There are simply a lot besides the highlight Contests:
在此特別說明本次春季大會除了指定演講比賽即席演講比賽之外七點獨特的地方, 使得閣下會有此次不參加, 則深感遺憾的想法:


The best venue in Taipei we've sourced.  The only main hall in downtown that can accommodate 650 - 700 T/Ms or even more with four satellite meeting rooms sitting right around the main hall.  You can be with all the T/Ms all the time if you want, you can enjoy the comfortable and luxurious hotel facility all the way from the start to the end, you can also walk out the hotel at room break, evening break before dinner banquet or later after the banquet to enjoy shopping, light meal in snack shops or simply take a walk and relax.
年度大會創辦以來, 史上最佳場地. 位於台北市區中心, 單就主要會議廳而言即可容納 650~700, 在主要會議廳的四週, 環伺著四個衛星會議廳”, 在春季大會舉辦期間, 閣下可全程輕鬆自在參與所有活動, 亦或盡情享用旅館的各種設施, 亦或在晚宴前後行走旅館之外觀光購物, 亦或品嚐各小吃店所有的點心(要自行付費), 亦或無所事是, 閒逛壓馬路.

2. We invited a young, handsome, and successful international Speaker Mr. Rory Vaden, The 1st runner up in 2007 International Speech Contest.  He's a professional trainer and full of sense of humor.  He's going to share his tips, wits and expertise with all T/Ms in Taiwan.  Please see the flyer of Spring Convention, and flyers of Training Camp announced in District Website.  You may also check him out at www.ssnseminars.com
主辦單位邀請了一位超級.豪華.英俊.國際大帥哥, Mr. Rory Vaden, 勇奪 2007年國際指定演講比賽亞軍, 這位幽默的專業講師, 將與台灣會友分享他成功的秘訣, 詳情請參閱總會網站的文宣, 並有Mr. Rory Vaden將舉辦訓練營的宣傳品, 各位會友也可逕赴www.ssnseminars.com網址查詢Mr. Rory Vaden的英勇事蹟.

Excellent workshops to be given by a group of experienced, skillful and popular trainers from Div. A, C, F. G, H. You will further cultivate both your communication and leadership skills. 
A, C, F. G, H各部資深的, 傑出的, 有經驗的, 有名望的, 有技巧的講師所舉辦的講座, 必能提升閣下溝通與領導的技巧.

4. We present a specially designed grand opening to show how auspiciously and prosperously District 67 is booming.主辦單位將推出一場前所未有. 無與倫比. 空前絕後的開幕秀, 秀出 District 67中華民國英語演講總會是如何快速的. 優質的. 紮實的. 穩定的發展.

While enjoying the scrumptious feast we prepared for you, you can also enjoy the fun and joy- oriented programs performed by all the talented T/Ms we recruited from different Divisions for you.
在享用豐盛的餐宴之餘, 各位會友可以輕鬆的心情欣賞各種會程節目, 教育性中帶著歡娛, 知識性中帶著幽默, 所有講師都是從各部中精選而出, 卡司驚人.

6. For T/Ms from afar like Central, Southern and Eastern Taiwan, there are many nice and fare price hotels recommended for you to choose.  We will also provide a city tour for those who don't need to attend the morning workshop or ex-com meeting or like to breathe the fresh air for a change.  All the information will be released soon.
對於遠道而來的會友, 主辦單位也將另行提供一些價格優惠, 設施尚佳的旅店, 供中南部, 花東地區的會友選用. 另外, 主辦單位也安排了一次市區觀光行程供那些不必參加第二天早上總會會務會議 或 專業講座的會友們, 走出戶外呼吸新鮮空氣調適身心, 相關訊息會在總會網站中公佈.

There is an extended value-added training camp before and after Spring Convention.   Mr. Rory Vaden is going to  important and valuable tips for those who are interested in taking a professional road as English Speakers or trainers.   T/Ms are certainly extremely welcome.  See the flyers we distribute later.  Interested T/Ms please contact me [email protected], Kelly Yang [email protected], and iche Su [email protected]
在春季大會的前一天 425日的晚上 和第二天 427日的上午, 本次大會的王牌講師Mr. Rory Vaden將另增加開闢兩場專業講座, 供有志投身於英語訓練講師成為終身職業者, 吸收學習觀摩Mr. Rory Vaden的成功秘訣, 相關訊息會在總會網站中公佈, 有關這兩場加開講座的登記報名請洽:
部總監 丁海華[email protected],
部秘書 楊鎧玉 [email protected], 以及
政大會會長 蘇怡綺
[email protected]


and so on�c Most importantly is your participation.  The Spring Convention is designed for you, all T/Ms in Taiwan.  We will be thrilled to have you join us!   Register now to enjoy the special rate! 
上述七點獨特安排的豐盛會程, 最需要的就是各位會友的全程參與, 本次春季大會為您而辦, 閣下的參加是我們的榮幸, 歡迎儘快登記報名, 採用及早報名者的超級優惠價. 

Cordially yours,
Dr. TS Jap, DTM, Div.
H Governor           Trini Ding, DTM, Div. C Governor 
and all SpringCon Committee Members
H部總監 葉振聲, C部總監 丁海華, 2008春季大會主辦單位全體成員 敬邀