啟動你體內的冠軍基因 David Wang |
As expected, many of you champion speakers are now sitting in the Spring Convention 2006, witnessing and observing the birth of many new champions within the next 2 days. No matter what names will be put on the award certificates or newspaper this year, I am sure that you will enjoy the process of how these new champions are created. Besides wowing for these champion speakers, I would like to invite you to activate the champion genes/cells within you so that your enjoyment of Spring Convention 2006 can be amplified during and after the convention. 一如預期,在未來兩天,2006年春季大會中,像各位這麼優秀的演講者,將坐在觀眾席上見證許多新的冠軍及同樣卓越的演講者誕生。無論兩天後誰會是今年的優勝者,我確信大家ㄧ定在產生這些優勝者的過程中學習並享有許多東西。除了替這些卓越演講者歡呼,我希望邀請大家共同啟發隱藏在我們體內的冠軍基因,如此我們在春季大會所欣賞到的卓越表現才能夠不斷擴散它們的影響力。 All of us are born with champion genes/cells within us, all of us! I am sure that you still remember vividly that one time (or many times) you were the first person touching the finish line, the person who received the highest honor in the event, the person with the highest score, the champion speaker of the contest, or just the person who got off the plane first, the birth of your champion child/product,…. etc. You must have felt different then. So, how long did that joyful feeling last? How long have you put your champion genes/cells to sleep after that? The answer to this question lies in your heart, deep in your heart until you are ready to face the reality. 冠軍基因是我們與生俱來的才能,但沉睡在我們的心中。你一定記得在你的一生中或許不只一次的閃亮時刻,例如第一個完成艱鉅任務,在活動中享有最高榮耀,競賽中奪得最好成績,演講比賽的冠軍,或甚至你是第一個下飛機的人!那時你一定覺得自己多麼與眾不同。你有想過這種感覺持續了多久?你讓自己的冠軍基因沉睡了多久,當你不再覺得興奮?直到你準備好去面對,你永遠不知道答案。 The fact is that most of us are just too lazy or too ignorant to activate the champion genes/cells within us until one day, they all become too senile to move, just like us eventually. Hei, we can change this fact simply by unifying our knowing and action, with some help from our determination! Once we find ways to do that, our life will become very different. You may become a frequently-invited trainer or speaker, an extremely popular role model, one’s idol, or you may even become the lucky one who gets to go all the way to world championship series. So, the key is: to bring out the champion in you, to activate the shy but ambitious champion genes/cells within you. If you still don’t know how at this point, toastmasters will provide you with most of the answers, if not all. 我們大部分的人,總是因為懶惰,或是不重視,導致我們體內的冠軍基因逐漸老化,最終變得像我們一樣老態龍鍾。然而我們可以改變,只要我們能統合我們的知識和行動,並加上一點決心!一旦我們改變,我們的人生也會煥然ㄧ新。你可以成為知名的演說者或講師,被許多人崇拜或敬仰,甚至幸運地披荊斬棘,參加世界大賽。關鍵在於導引出你體內的冠軍,啟發你心內那個既害羞又有野心的冠軍基因。如果你仍然不知道如何成功,演講會會告訴大部分的答案。 We are what we do with our time. You might already have the experience about how easy (or difficult) it was obtaining your CTM, ATM, DTM, CL, AL, … etc. But as long as we put our mind and time into it, these precious titles are normally within reach. The problem is: after these precious titles are obtained, are we already a better speaker, a better leader than before, or are we still the same old self in other’s eyes? The answer to this question lies in our heart, deep in our heart until we are ready to face the challenge of bringing out the champion genes/cells within us. 我們所投入的時間以及所做的事造就的現在的我們。你可能已經知道獲得 CTM, ATM, DTM, AL, CL等職稱有多麼容易(或是困難),然而除非我們曾經投注我們的心力與寶貴的時間,這些珍貴的職稱也不過像其他類似的職稱,並沒有什麼特別。問題在於當我們好不容易達到目標之後,在別人眼中,我們有成為更好的演說人,更好的領導者,還是ㄧ如往昔?答案依舊在我們心中,直到我們願意去接受挑戰,喚醒心中的冠軍基因,否則你永遠不會知道答案。 Quality is not something within reach; it’s something to be worked on. No matter how smart, how experienced, how senior we are, we all have our blind spots. Illuminating these blind spots is normally very difficult to achieve because of our personal subjectivity but it’s essential for us to get better. To eliminate these blind spots, we need good advice, constructive evaluations and suggestions and very often second opinions to guide us where to go to further brighten our visions. 好的品質並非一觸可及,而是需要時間慢慢雕琢。我們再聰明,再有經驗,仍然會有盲點。因為我們的主觀與成見,破除這些盲點並不容易。然而,我們必須不斷進步,因此我們需要忠告,需要建議,或是其他觀點的意見來帶領我們擴展我們的視野。 Attending toastmasters convention is a very effective way to mirror ourselves right into various scenarios and identify obvious blind spots of ours and others’. The helpful assistance we are able to receive from toastmasters conventions and gatherings will help to upgrade ourselves to the next level, may it be CTM, ATM, DTM, the world champion or just be a happier toastmaster. 參加春季大會是ㄧ個非常好的機會,因為這裡像一面鏡子,你可以在別人身上看到自己的缺陷,並從別人口中聽到補救之道。透過春季大會中,所有會員的互相激勵與幫助,你一定會突破現有的界限,或許成為 CTM, ATM, DTM, 世界大賽冠軍,或變成一個快樂的演講會會員。 For those of you who are here at Spring Convention 2006, you are the lucky ones. With the inspiration and idea collected from the convention, you can easily start the engine of bringing out the champion genes/cells within you. Please continue to work until your name is a synonym to champion speaker, trainer, leader, audience or toastmaster. Life will become very different along the way, I guarantee you! Dear fellow toastmasters, enjoy Spring Convention 2006 and enjoy the fun of waking up the champion genes/cells within you! 如果你有參加春季大會,恭喜你!你真幸運,透過所有人的鼓舞及意見的激盪,你將很容易啟動你體內的冠軍基因。請持續努力直到你的名字變成卓越演說者、訓練者、領導者、聽眾的同義字,我保證你的生活會從此變得很不ㄧ樣!各位親愛的演講會會員,請好好享受春季大會喚醒你體內冠軍基因的快樂吧!