總會長的話 |
傅憲成 |
Words from District Governor Dear Friends,
Time flies so fast. It Spring now. There are only few months to go
for our term. And we still have a lot of things to complete.
As your DG of District 67, I really got a lot of benefits from the
members, leaders, and WHQ as well. I would like to share some with all my
fellow friends.
First of all, I
learned the function of District, and realized the core value as the
District officers is “SERVICE”. We serve all members, club officers
through the book and our experience. And guide them to the right
direction, and to help them to reach their goals.
Secondly, I attended
the 74th International Convention in August, 2005, in Toronto,
Ontario, Canada. It was the third time to attend the tremendous
convention. However, I didn’t stay there until the speech contest and
close ceremony because my mom passed away. I still felt exciting and wide
my eyesight.
Thirdly, it was an
unforgettable experience to communicate with all members face to face in
the 1st round club officers training in NLFD, Taichung, YZU,
and Kaohsiung. It’s also the first time Top 3 officers as the trainers in
the officers training program. Let’s all the District and club officers
knew what do they need each other?
Fourthly, join the
Fall Conference at Military Hero Hall in November, 2005. There was over
800 members in the convention. Marian, Division C Governor and also the
Convention chair, made a milestone record of District 67.
Today, we meet again
here at Taichung County for another gathering. While you greet to the
members who you have not to see for long time. Don’t forget to show your
appreciation to your fellow members who stay with you during your
Toastmasters life.
Wish all of my
friends have an unforgettable memory of Spring Convention 2006.