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中華民國國際演講協會 |
訂購 秋季大會 精采實況 DVD 下載訂購單 |
親愛的國際演講會會友: 秋季大會即將開始,大會將製作 DVD一套五片(500元 一套),內容包括 教育訓練、各項比賽...,精彩可期,會友如欲訂購,請列印、填妥訂購單(如附件),並於11/26、11/27兩日,併同款項繳交報到組即可。 可個別購買,或以分會名義,統一購買,亦可於現場訂購。 製造廠商將直接寄至訂購者填寫之地址,估計 2006年 1月完成。 秋季大會再見!! Dear Toastmasters, Fall Convention is coming soon! As saying on the movie poster, " Nothing perfect lasts forever except our memories"
For you to keep good memory, to share it with your friends or reserve it for learning in the future, we will produce one set of DVD. It will have 5 DVDs for one set. It will also cover workshop, speech contest, dinner party.....
Please do not miss this great chance to buy one. Please fill the order as attached form and bring it with your payment to Register Team of Convention on 11/26, 11/27.
The DVD vendor will mail the DVD to you
directly according to the address that is shown on the form. It will be
done in January of 2006. See you at Fall Convention! And have fun!
Step Out of the Comfort Zone!
Y.S.Liao 2005 Fall Convention Co-Chair ATM-B, AL, Div.C |