可芸欣然接受中華民國國際演講協會2015-2016 的總會長一職,這是一種榮耀也是一種責任。
六月二十七日我們大約有兩百人參加在台北舉辦的交接典禮,謝謝當天諸位前任總會長來輔導,也謝謝我的好朋友張琴,小百合,歌唱家錢懷祺,宗前部長才怡,及工商界的朋友來慶祝我的就職。 因為許多會員因各種原因未能親身感受當天大家的熱情和歡樂,(很多會員告訴我這是他們看過最熱鬧,主持的天衣無縫的晚會,當然啦!由我們的四冠王林定蔚主持,一級棒!)所以我請我們的網路長,把當晚的錄影登在我們的網頁,希望大家能去看看,聽聽名家的演唱。 |
我把當天晚上的就職演說,和今年對演講會的期許和目標報告如下: 國際演講會由史麥得利博士於1924年10月在美國加州成立。如今已經有90年的歷史,曾經有四百萬的人受過演講會溝通和領導的指導,幫助他們在公共演說的表達。如今全世界126個國家有313,000會員。台灣的第一個分會成立於1958年,目前台灣有165個分會分別以中文,英文,台語,日語及客語進行訓練。 今年我們的目標有三項:
這是一個特別的一年,今年居然三位總會長,副總會長都是女士,我非常榮幸能與海星,海華一起為大家服務。在這裡我也要感謝全程支持我的四個母會:我參加演講會的第一個分會喜洋洋,第一個英文會中油分會,我創立的第一個分會台北傑人,以及目前有十一個傑出會員的真正的領導村分會。 今年總會推出許多獎勵制度,請大家好好利用,最重要的是幫助我們分會成長,我們制定了600件 酒紅色的有領的球衫和兩百本陳文茜及李鴻源的新書,每位會員介紹一位新會員進入演講會即可選擇其中之一。 追求卓越是演講會的核心價值,讓我們大家齊心合力把我們的演講會推向高峰! 祝福每位會員永遠快快樂樂。 |
My dear Toastmasters Members: It is my honor to serve as the district director for Toastmasters D67. It indeed is an honor also a responsibility. Toastmasters was founded in 1924 by Dr. Ralph Smedley from California. During the past 90 years, Toastmasters International, Inc. has served more than four million people to improve their communication and leadership skills. Right now, we are among 126 countries, with 14,650 c Toastmasters clubs, and over 313,000 members worldwide. The first club in Taiwan was established in 1958, we use English, Chinese, Taiwanese, Japanese and Hakka different languages to conduct our meetings. In my inaugural speech on June 27th, I mentioned that I will work on three important goals in this year:
Representatives from many Asian countries will come to Taipei to join our International Forum. In this meeting, we shall discuss how we can work together to promote our Toastmasters better, and to brain-storming for new program that could offer more benefits to our members. In our D67 history, this is the first time that our top three leaders are all females. This is a special year for me, Teresa, Trini and I will work our best to serve you, and thank you to give us the chance. Especially I thank all four of my mother club, Happy, Joy, Taipei DCS, and Leadership Village clubs. To help our club’s growth, this year we made 600 wine color polo shirts and 200 books newly released from Sisy Chen and Lee Hong Yuan, every new member you introduce to our club you can pick one of the above gift Starting from July 1, 2015. In search of Excellence, Toastmasters’ core value, Let us all work together to make a history! Wishing every member a happy learning. Your truly, Caroline |