Joyful Journey April, 2014 Joy Tsai 總會長四月之分享 |
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Lantern meeting
on April 7th. 2014. Rescued a weak club by moving it from
Fong Yang to Taichung. The first English/ Taiwanese
bilingual club in Taichung city. Members feel that it’s
harder to speak Taiwanese well than English. We have to work
even harder. 四月七日參加輪轉英台語分會在台中復會.很精彩.大家覺得學台語比學英語更難.得好好用功努力. |
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April 11th, 2014.
Spring Conference keynote Speaker Debbie Wooten visited
Ministry of Foreign Affairs for a speech. 四月十一日和春季大會主講員Debbie Wooten拜訪外交部並開會 |
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April 11th, 2013.
Welcome VIP dinner. 四月十一日晚上歡迎貴賓們餐敘 |
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April 12th and
13th Spring Conference in Taipei A conference is full of energy, creativity and education. It’s a flawless marvelous Spring Conference. 四月十二日、十三日春季大會在台北.充滿活力,創意和教育意義,是個毫無缺點的大會. |
DG Joy Tsai’s article in the Spring conference handbook 總會長春季大會文章共享 Spring into the World We have an
intriguing theme for this Spring conference: “Spring into
the World”. “Spring” carries several meanings. 1. Nicer
weather. We think of green tender leaves are growing; pretty
colorful flowers are blooming everywhere. Spring reminds us
of new life and hope. 2. Spring can mean water. Water is the
most essential element of life. No creatures can survive
without water. 3. Spring can be a verb- leap high. |
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Chair of Coach committee Jorie Wu leads a
wonderful coach team- Harry Fong and Edward Chen to conduct
coach trainings island wide. The results were so
overwhelming. Those precious skills are not only for saving
weak clubs, but also applying to our family and work. More
coaching trainings are expected to come. 救援教練吳主席咨杏帶領方瑞源與陳英明兩位傑出教練,巡迴全臺進行教練培訓,成效卓著,這些寶貴的技能除了能用來拯救弱會之外,也能運用於家庭及工作中,未來總會將持續推動。 |
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Chief Ambassador Mike Yang leads 15
ambassadors for the promotion of education revitalized
program. TI will announce the new program in this July and
launch it in September. The whole manuals will be changed,
so as all of the titles. It will be tailor made, digitalized
and applicable to our daily life. 教育更新計劃楊冀光主席與十五位大使,分別在全台各地分會簡介教育更新計劃。美國總會將於今年七月宣佈細節,並於九月開始施行新的教育更新計劃。全套學習手冊及會員將獲得的榮銜會全部更改、它會加重數位化的教材、替會員量身訂做所需課程、並更適用於職場生涯。 |
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Chair of Speakers Bureau Haishuo Lee leads
the team to digitalize our training materials. Post them on
Youtube. So our best trainers can be seen and invited not
only locally but also world widely. 講師團主席李海碩與該團正努力著手將許多教材數位化,並上傳Youtube, 廣為提升台灣優秀講師們在本地以及國際的能見度。 |
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Chair of Realignment committee Harry Fong
is helping our district for a more realistic realignment,
especially in the northern Taiwan. 重建委員會主席方瑞源正協助台灣總會務實的重整計劃,今年以北臺灣為重點。 |
of these hard efforts of on-going processes, they are like
water which will have huge impacts in D67 future. |
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April 20th, 2014
The 1st Northern Coach training Intermediate level: 四月二十日北區第一次救援教練訓練中級課程 |
G部總監Kevin Ho 感言:
恰當的提問。 |
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April 22th, 2014.
Chung Shan NUTC chartered ceremony in Taichung. 四月二十二日中山醫學大學分會在台中成立 |
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April 28th,2014.
New Century Bilingual TC 14th anniversary 四月二十八日新世紀雙語分會十四週年慶 |
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April 29th, 2014.
Visited Taichung Tech Toastmasters club and delivered a
speech. 四月二十九日拜訪台中科技大學並做了篇演講 |
Preview of the
incoming events: 未來重要事項預告: |
1.Aug 20-23 International
convention in Malaysia. We had posted several traveling packages for our members to choose from. Please Google D67 official website. 八月二十至二十三日國際年會將在馬來西亞舉行,目前總會已有配套旅遊計劃供會員選擇,請上中華民國國際演講協會網站參考。 |
Conclusion: 結論: |
Till April, we are doing pretty
well. We are still with President Distinguished district
status. Membership growth and Coach training will be our
main focus for the next two months. Let’s work together to
achieve our district distinguished goal successfully. Most
importantly, enjoy our Toastmastering. 今年至四月底止,台灣總會表現優異,仍然擁有總會長傑出總會的榮銜,是大家辛苦的結果。剩下兩個月的時間台灣總會工作重心仍在會員數的成長並加強各種訓練。讓會員們快樂地學習,以期達到總會成功目標。 By Joy Tsai DG of 2013-14 |