






Dear Leaders:

I would like to formally announce the first round Club Membership Growth Contest winners (there are only 3 clubs eligible for the award):

The 1st Place: Far Eastern International Bank TMC  (3,000 NT$)
第一名 遠東國際商業銀行英語國際演講會 (獎金新台幣三千元)
The 2nd place: Yuanlin TMC (2500 NT$)
第二名 員林英語國際演講會 (獎金新台幣兩千五百元)
The 3rd place: Legacy TMC (2000 NT$)
第三名 薪傳英語國際演講會 (獎金新台幣兩千元)

Congratulations to them! We will present awards to these 3 club in the coming FallCon party! 

From the latest report from the WHQ, our district had 2583 membership payments. In order to become a distinguished district, the WHQ requires us to reach the payment of at least 6860 by the end of June next year in two major semi-annual payments (one in Sep. and one in March). In other word, we better reach 1/2 membership payment at 3430 by the end of this year. That is to say we need to have at least 847 members! According to the attached October Dues Renewal Status report from the WHQ, many clubs in our district did not pay for more than 20 members--- the number to be a healthy club! So I urge each club try to recruit more new members and pay the membership fee to reach at least 20 membership payments to the WHQ by the end of Dec. Please also remember that our next club membership growth contest will be in the end of March next year!
從最新的世界總會統計中可知,台灣地區總會總共有2583位會員完成繳費。為了要達成傑出地區總會的目標,世界總會為我們訂出在明年六月三十日前的兩次主要繳費(分別在今年九月與明年三月)人數要達到 6860位的目標。換句話說,我們最好在今年年底前達成二分之ㄧ的目標,也就是 3430位會員繳費!因此大家可看出,我們到年底前尚缺至少 847位會員。根據所附的總會十月份最新分會繳費記錄,許多的分會並未繳交達到二十位會員,這也是一個健康的標準分會會員數目!因此本人在此呼籲每個分會在十二月底前都能達成最少繳交二十位會員的目標!並請記住,第二次分會會員成長競賽將於明年三月底截止! 

Soar to a New Height!
Mike Yang DTM
DG 2010-11