






Dear Toastmasters:

This August 29th Division D &K will hold a speech contest judge training in Tainan at the Labor Recreation Center on Nan-Men Road #261 in the afternoon 1 PM to 5 PM!
八月二十九號DK部會舉辦一個演講比賽評審訓練在台南市的勞工育樂中心,地址是南門路 261 , 時間是在下午一點到五點

Those who attend the judge training that have finished project C6 or above will receive a certificate certifying them to be an official speech contest judge
任何參加評審訓練並且已經完成 C6 或以上的演講可以得到證書正式證明他們為演講比賽的評審 

There will be a demo contest for the audience to practice judging and a judge speaker to give a break down evaluation to help the audience understand how to be a judge.

This training will help each Toastmaster to understand the judging criteria and can help them become better judges and contest speakers.
這個訓練可以幫助各位 Toastmaster 來了解評審的標準也同時可以幫助各位變成更好的評審以及參賽演講者. 

Each club must pay a 500 NT fee to attend training, if your club is attending please list the attending members' names,if they have finished C6 or above, and their club.
每個分會需要付五百塊費用來參加訓練, 如果你的分會要來請列出所有參加會員的名字,他們是否完成了C6 或以上的演講,還有他們的分會

If you are interested in signing up please fill out the information in the attached form and send it back to Area K2 Governor, Peter Ju. 
如果你有興趣參加請填好附件上的報名表寄回給K2區域總監, Peter Ju.
Email: [email protected]   Phone: 0987-695-082

Also please pass this on to any Toastmaster members you know and see if they are interested. Thank you.
也希望各位可以把這個訊息傳給任何 Toastmaster 會員,看其他會員是否有意願參加, 謝謝各位.

I hope to see everyone there and wish you all a great summer. 


Area K2 Governor, Peter Ju 
區總監, Peter Ju



日期: 99 年 8 月 29 日 星期日 13:00-17:00
地點: 台南市南門路 261 號  台南市勞工育樂中心第三會議室(2F)
費用: 每會500元
報名: K2 區總監, Peter Ju   0987-695-082  Email: [email protected]




時間 內容 人員
13:00 Registration

Tim Wu
Caroline Teng

Allen Lee

13:30 Opening Remarks

Susan Wu
Tim Wu

Peter Ju

13:35 Toastmaster Doris Kuo  
13:40 Speech Contest Judging Roles & Responsibility Eric Liang  
14:00 Q & A Eric Liang  
14:10 Contest Judging Criteria (Humorous Speech Contest) Doris Kuo  

Humorous Speech Contest – Speaker 1
One Minute Silence

Doris Kuo  

Humorous Speech Contest – Speaker 2
Two Minute Silence

Doris Kuo  
14:45 Contest Judging Criteria (Evaluation Speech Contest) Doris Kuo  
14:55 Evaluator Intermission    

Evaluation Speech Contest – Speaker 1
One Minute Silence
Evaluation Speech Contest – Speaker 2

Two minute Silence

Doris Kuo  
15:16 Intermission    
15:40 Group Discussion

Lillian Huang
Tim Wu
Dinger Chen

Peter Ju

15:55 Group Report    
16:10 Judge Speaker Evaluation Grace Shih  
16:30 Present Certificates of Appreciation and Recognition Doris Kuo  
16:40 Closing Remarks

Susan Wu
Tim Wu

Peter Ju

17:00 Adjourn