








國際演講會世界大會日漸接近了! 這超級的移動響宴即將到來. 全世界許多優秀的會員將再相聚,享受一年一度的教育訓練及演講比賽.

今年的大會將在距台灣最近的加州,洛杉磯東南方, Palm Desert, 舉行,日期為 8月11日到14日.請參照以下網址:



前總會長, Dick Fu, 曾經談及Toastmasters一生最好有機會參加一次世界大會. 而且,前國際理事,顏瑛宗前總會長, 亦將競選世界總會第二副總會長, 也需要我們幫助競選. 如果當選成功, 幾年後, 世界總會長將是來自台灣! 這是歷史性的里程碑!


當然代表我們的 Sammy Su, 將參加比賽, 也需要我一起加油打氣!


請轉告我們的會員, 如果想躬逢其盛, 參與這一盛宴, 請安排時間報名.以便組團前往請向新任 D1區總監, 林欣芳區總監接洽報名, 電話及Email 各為: 0932-722-463, [email protected], 截止日期暫定 75 .請參照如下附件


健康, 快樂,卓越!





總會公關執行長 2009-2010

推廣副總會長 2010-2011


Dear leaders,


How are you?

Hope everything goes well!

The International Convention is coming soon. It’s a great movable Feast that Toastmasters in the world will gather there to enjoy the educational program and speech contests.

Our past District Governor, Dick Fu, said that we are as Toastmasters, at least need to join it once in our life time if it’s possible.

 This time, International Convention will be at  Palm Desert, California, Aug. 11-14, 2010, it is very close to Taiwan! Please see details as below link:



Besides, our Past District Governor, Past International Director, George Yen, will run for the Second Vice President of  Toastmasters International. It will also be great to support him to win the election. Then several years later, Toastmasters International will have International President from Taiwan! This is a great Milestone!


Of course, Sammy Su will also join the speech contest there. It will be a good support to her if we could come to the Convention.


Please pass this mail to our members. And if you and our members like to join this great event, to discover the greatness and enjoy one of the best movable Feasts, please arrange time to do so. Please see attached travel plan and information for details and contact D1 Area Governor, Cynthia Lin, at 0932-722-463, [email protected]  the dead line will be 7-5-2010.


Be Healthy, Happy and High!


Dig More, Reap More!



District PR 2008-2010

LGM 2010-2011






2010 International Convention Itinerary

1          Flight information

1.1       航空公司:長榮航空

1.2       出發日期及班機號碼:BR12 /10AUG/台北-洛杉機 /1840-1555

1.3       回程日期及班機號碼:BR 1/16AUG/洛杉機-台北/ 0130-0550 (加一天17AUG)

2          行程重點

2.1       參加2010年演講會會世界年會,與來自全世界約2千位會友們,分享彼此的經驗,以及年會中十場教育及領導單元的課程。

2.2       參加812(星期四)第一組的演講比賽準決賽,為台灣代表Sammy Su加油。

2.3       參加814(星期六)年度公眾演講比賽的決賽。

2.4       訪問Toastmasters International的總部。

2.5       參觀LA的景點,如Hollywood , 環球影城, and much more.

3          費用

3.1       團體機票:10人以上約41,500(含稅) ,個人票約48,000(含稅)

3.2       世界年會註冊費:七月八日前US$575,之後US$625,現場US$725

3.3       世界年會場地住宿(Desert Spring Marriott Resort and SPA):每日US$119,單人或雙人房,11%稅另加。(是否包括早餐,資料未顯示)

3.4       不包括:

3.4.1  LA機場到飯店交通,搭Shuttle Bus每人約US$70,詳細資料如附。

3.4.2  大會完畢遊覽行程的交通,可能在飯店直接租車前往。(飯店內有租車公司Hertz櫃台)

3.4.3  LA增加住宿,以及遊覽的費用。

4          行程概要:

4.1       810(星期二)出發

4.2       811(星期三)預計中午抵達會場

4.2.1  報到、熟悉環境、初次參加者歡迎酒會、開幕典禮

4.3       812(星期四)

4.3.1  早上9點參加DCP的頒獎典禮

4.3.2  早上1130分午餐,同時聽Lance Miller專題演講

4.3.3  下午3點至830分,參加演講比準決賽,Sammy將與其他八個District的代表,角逐星期六的決賽權。

4.4       813(星期五)

4.4.1  上午自由活動

4.4.2  下午多場次的教育課程

4.4.3  晚上7點,Golden Gavel Dinner,專題演講。

4.5       814(星期六)

4.5.1  早上730分,世界總會幹部選舉。

4.5.2  下午1點,世界演講比賽決賽。

4.5.3  晚上730分,盛裝參加世界總會長的晚宴及舞會,以及新任世界總會長的佈達典禮。

4.6       815(星期日)

4.6.1  早上Check out

4.6.2  參觀Toastmasters International總部

4.6.3  參觀Hollywood, or Universal Studio.

4.6.4  晚上搭機回台。

4.6.5  或在LA住宿一夜,816日再行離開。

5          以下為年會詳細的議程:

Schedule of Events

Everyone is Talking About the International Convention!

Come to Palm Desert, California, Aug. 11-14, 2010, and discover why Toastmasters’ 79th annual International Convention is the ultimate Toastmasters event.

Wednesday, August 11
If you are pre-registered, you may pick up your ticket packet beginning at 12 p.m. If you have not yet purchased tickets for the Golden Gavel Dinner, the World Championship of Public Speaking and the President’s Dinner Dance, you may do so at this time. Any remaining event tickets are subject to availability. So pre-register and buy your tickets early!

After you register, be sure to visit the Host District Information Desk. Its hosts will introduce you to popular attractions in the Palm Desert area. The Candidates Corner and Credentials Desk open Wednesday afternoon.

Toastmasters International Bookstore Official Opening: 9 a.m.
As always, the store is packed with souvenirs and helpful resources to bring back to your club.
Give us your thoughts on what you would like to see in the bookstore!

First-Timers Orientation: 5:30 p.m.
Toastmasters International President Gary Schmidt, DTM, welcomes you to your first International Convention. Meet other first-timers, make new friends and learn about exciting events taking place throughout the Convention.

Opening Ceremonies: 7 p.m.
Featuring Todd Newton
The Convention opens with the traditional Parade of Flags, followed by a “State of the Organization” report by International President Gary Schmidt. Then Todd Newton will inspire and entertain you with his keynote message, “Put Your Best Into Action.”

Candidates’ Reception: 9 p.m.
Meet this year’s international officer and director candidates at an informal reception immediately following the opening ceremonies.


Thursday, August 12
Board of Directors Briefing: 7:30 a.m.
The Toastmasters Board of Directors meets twice a year. Here they’ll update you on recent actions and decisions, and share the organization’s strategic plan and vision for the future.
Hall of Fame: 9 a.m.
Come celebrate Toastmasters International’s top performers as they are recognized for their outstanding accomplishments in 2009-2010.
Education Sessions
Toastmasters’ two signature educational tracks are Communication and Leadership, and the 10 sessions at the Convention are split evenly between the two. Choose to attend Communication sessions (marked with a “C”) or Leadership sessions (marked with an “L”) — or mix and match.
11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. “Finding Your Voice” (C)
Lance Miller, DTM

Everyone has inspiring stories to tell and lessons to share; Lance will offer tips on how to make your passion a potent part of your speeches. Audiences will learn several important skills: 

·         Why sincere is better than sensational

·         How to find “What My Story Is”

·         How to turn everyday occurrences into powerful speeches

·         How to connect with your audience

·         How to "hook" an audience to accent your message

“Great Leaders are Great Speakers: Bringing Your Leadership A.L.I.V.E. Through Persuasive Speaking” (L)
Rory Vaden

After hearing Rory’s empowering and refreshing program, you will:

·         Be equipped to utilize the four quadrants of vocal variety to maximize persuasion and influence

·         Instantly improve your charisma and confidence in front of groups

·         Know the most effective ways of opening and closing a presentation

·         Understand the techniques for keeping any audience engaged the entire time

·         Have a storytelling formula that is guaranteed to create emotional connection to any audience

1:45 p.m. – 2:45 p.m.
“The World of Brands: How Brand Strategy Makes and Molds Minds” (C)

Sasha Strauss
This workshop focuses on the basics of branding. You’ll learn:

·         Why brands matter

·         Who they matter to

·         How brands are built

·         What role they play in the world of advertising and public relations

“Speaking and Leadership Lessons to Laugh About” (L)
Jim Key, DTM 
You’ll relax, laugh and enjoy yourself while also focusing on important issues that face all of us, both as speakers and leaders, in a constantly changing world:

·         The difference between intended and actual communications

·         The need to always conduct ourselves as if our actions are public

·         The need to be open to, and embrace, new ways of doing things

·         The importance of focusing on others

·         The proper use of our authority and responsibilities as speakers and leaders

International Speech Contest Semifinals: 3 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
For the first time, Toastmasters is holding semifinal speech contests at the International Convention. The winners of the nine semifinals — representing regions from around the world — will advance to the final round on Saturday.

Group 1


Contest 1 


Districts 76, 37, 67, 61, 15, 52, 18, 6 and 26



Contest 2 


Districts 35, 24, 45, 79, 58, 78, 84, 28 and 31



Contest 3


Districts 47, 30, 42, 36, 11, 57, 25, 32 and 55

Group 2 


Contest 4


Districts 71, 59, 75, 2, 73, 3, 81, 51 and 16



Contest 5 


Districts 83, 60, 9, 82, 5, 85, 54, 77 and 39



Contest 6


Districts 63, 13, 43, 7, 69, 27, 21, 53 and 66

Group 3 


Contest 7


Districts 19, 62, 86, 70, 8, 72, 50, 49 and 64



Contest 8 


Districts 12, 65, 4, 10, 33, 68, 23, 74 and 80



Contest 9


Districts 46, 14, 34, F, 56, 40, 38, 1 and 22

Candidates' Reception: 8:30 p.m.
Meet this year’s international officer and director candidates at an informal reception immediately following the International Speech Contest Semifinals.

Open Evening
Stop by the host district information desk for some great dining and entertainment ideas. 


Friday, August 13
Candidate Showcases: 8 a.m.
Meet officer and director candidates.

Education Sessions
Choose between the Communication (C) and Leadership (L) tracks, or mix and match. 
1:15 p.m. – 2:15 p.m.

“Blah, Blah, Blah: How to Make Your Marketing Stand Out and Get Better Results” (C) 
Terri Langhans
You’ll walk away with a set of new communication skills:

·         Get someone’s attention without being blatant, boastful or boring

·         Create messages that have more impact and influence choice

·         Use the four cornerstones of an effective message

·         Use the five elements of graphic design to achieve your goal

·         Distinguish your unique personality and benefit from your strengths

“The Four Commitments of a Winning Team” (L) 
Mark Eaton
Inspire your team to start playing a bigger game:

·         Become invaluable at work

·         Succeed where you have failed in the past

·         Create teams that are unstoppable united forces

·         Collaborate and innovate

·         Emphasize your greatest strengths

2:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. 
“Be Real!: How to Speak with Spirit and Sparkle” (C) 
Sheryl Roush, DTM, PDG, AS
Expand your communication skills:

·         Activate your creativity and originality

·         Tailor your message to exceed your audience’s expectations

·         Stay in the moment to flow with your audience

·         Design and deliver slide presentations

·         Accessorize your presentation with “The Sparkle Factor”

“Too Busy for Your Own Good — Get that Spark Back for Life” (L) 
Connie Merritt
Learn a practical plan for avoiding such overload:

·         Better, more efficient ways to get organized

·         Time-management tips for getting more done and reducing stress

·         The secrets of saying “no” and rebooting your life

  • Hints on how to handle challenging situations with more energy
    3:45 p.m. – 4:45 p.m.

“Communicating for Personal and Professional Success” (C) 
Tammy Miller, DTM, PID and Ted Corcoran, DTM, PIP
You’ll gain a better understanding of personal and professional communication topics:

·         The dynamics of communication

·         How to assess the effectiveness of your personal style

·         How important listening is in every situation

·         How to equip yourself for impromptu responses

·         The common pitfalls that hamper good communication

“Lead On!" (L) 
Lynne Brasher, DTM
Learn these concepts and the critical roles they play in helping people lead teams and projects:

·         Using the Tuckman stages of group development

·         Using emotional intelligence and servant leadership within each stage

·         Practicing emotional intelligence to further your team’s efforts

·         Being a servant leader to the group

·         Understanding the impact of these tools on group members
Accredited Speaker Program: 2:30 p.m.
Toastmasters give their second-level presentations for the 2010 Accredited Speaker Program. Learn by watching these talented Toastmasters talk!
Golden Gavel Dinner: 7 p.m.

Honoring Carolyn Kepcher as Toastmasters’ 2010 Golden Gavel recipient.

Kepcher rose to national prominence as executive vice president of The Trump Organization and is widely known for her role on the NBC series The Apprentice. Regarded as a thought leader on business, and in particular, women in business, Kepcher now dispenses career advice through her column for the New York Daily News, her business book, Carolyn 101, and her new venture, WorkHerWay.com.
The Golden Gavel, Toastmasters' highest honor, is given annually to a distinguished individual in the fields of communication and leadership.

Saturday, August 14  

Annual Business Meeting: 7:30 a.m.
Gary Schmidt, DTM, Chairman
Elections for the 2010-2011 international officers and directors will be held. Every vote counts, so be sure to attend! 
International Speech Contest: 1 p.m.
This is the highlight of the Convention and a “don’t miss” event! Watch the best in public speaking as nine finalists compete for the World Champion of Public Speaking title. This is a popular event, so order tickets now!
Members interested in attending only the International Speech Contest may purchase an individual ticket for that event in
Section 3 of the Printable Registration Form or select Saturday Only on the On-line Registration Form.

President’s Dinner Dance: 7:30 p.m.
Dine and dance in elegance at this extravagant closing event. Past International President Jana Barnhill, DTM, AS presides over the installation of newly elected officers and directors.



LA國際機場至會場的Shuttle Bus資料:

Los Angeles International Airport
1 World Way
Los Angeles, Calif.
Approximately 2 hours, 10 minutes/134 miles from the conference hotel
Car Rental Information
Shuttle Services

Skycapp Shuttle 


1-3 People = $225  

Phone: 760-272-5988 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              760-272-5988      end_of_the_skype_highlighting  







At Your Service 


1 Person = $106  

Phone: 888-700-7888 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              888-700-7888      end_of_the_skype_highlighting 


Additional Person = $40  

760-343-0666 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              760-343-0666      end_of_the_skype_highlighting  




Desert Valley Shuttle 


1 Person = $95  

Phone: 800-413-3999 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              800-413-3999      end_of_the_skype_highlighting 


2 People = $160  

760-251-4020 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              760-251-4020      end_of_the_skype_highlighting  



E-mail: [email protected]  









1 Person = $217  

Phone: 800-258-3826 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              800-258-3826      end_of_the_skype_highlighting 


Additional Person = $9  

800 BLUE VAN begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              800 BLUE VAN      end_of_the_skype_highlighting  



909-984-0040 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              909-984-0040      end_of_the_skype_highlighting 







Prime Time Shuttle 


1 Person = $200 

Phone: 310-536-7922 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              310-536-7922      end_of_the_skype_highlighting 


Additional Person = $10 

800-733-8267 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              800-733-8267      end_of_the_skype_highlighting 



800 RED VANS begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              800 RED VANS      end_of_the_skype_highlighting  


