奬勵辦法 |
Dear Governors and Presidents 各位部,區總監及會長:大家好!
Now, allow
me to inform you the most update performance report of our District (As
the following):
So, we need to work harder and work together to reach District goal. I need and ask for your assistance. 因此,我們必須更加努力,團結奮鬥以達成地區總會的目標。我請求各位的協助,共同作到: |
1. |
Try to
charter a new club in each Division. 每部至少再創立一個新分會。 |
2. |
Division needs to recruit 80 new members in 8 weeks. 每部在未來 8 週內要招募 80 個新會員。 |
3. |
Division or Area
Governors host a reviewing meeting in the beginning of May with
all club Presidents to
review their performance and
try to reach their goals. 部或區總監在五月初招集分會長開會, 檢討分會的成果及如何達成目標。 |
4. |
District will host a reviewing meeting
in the end of May with all Governors and presidents to review the
performance of Clubs, Areas, Divisions and District. 地區總會在六月初招集總監及分會長開會檢討分會的成果及如何達成目標。 |
5. |
District will award the following
Clubs (獎勵辦法): |
A. |
Education achievement Contest: Total of Club’s CC, AC &CL,
AL. (Top 10 Clubs will be rewarded.) 教育成就競賽:分會的CC,AC,CL及AL數目總合,前十名分會將獲獎勵金。 1st - 3rd Clubs (第一到三名) -------------- NT$ 3000, 4th - 6th Clubs (第四到六名) -------------- NT$ 2000, 7th - 10th Clubs (第七到十名) -------------- NT$ 1000, |
B. | Membership Campaign Contest: 會員招募競賽 | |||
a. |
New Clubs—NT$ 5000.00/ each
new club and NT$ 3000.00 for advertisement fee (Printing, venue fee
are included) if the new club
is chartered successfully (From April 17, to June 30 2010). 新分會---四月十七日起到六月三十日前成立的分會,每分會補助NT$ 5000, 另補助廣告費(包括印刷影印及會場租金雜費等)NT$ 3000 給創立成功的新會。 |
b. | New Membership Contest: 分會的新會員招募競賽 | |||
1. | Non-campus clubs: Top 10 clubs will be awarded. 非校園的分會前十名將獲獎勵金。 | |||
Clubs (第一到三名)-------------
- NT$ 3000, 4th - 6th Clubs (第四到六名)--------------- NT$ 2000, 7th -10th Clubs (第七到十名) -------------- NT$ 1000, |
2. | Campus clubs: Top 3 clubs will be awarded. 校園分會競賽 | |||
3000, 2nd Club第二名分會--------------NT$ 2000, 3rd Club 第三名分會--------------NT$ 1000, |
3. |
If a club recruit 12 new
1000, If a club recruit 16 new members 如分會招募16名新會員-------NT$ 2000, |
c. |
Multiple Membership Award:
多重會員競賽 Members holding membership of 3 clubs or more --Appreciation certificate with a small gift (NT$ 100 in value) 參加三個或以上分會的多重會員-----感謝狀及小禮物(價值一百元) |
Again, I ask for your whole support. 再度懇請各位的全力支持及配合。
Dig More, Reap More! 深耕必得!
James Lin, DTM / DG 2009-2010 地區總會長 林義雄 敬上 |