Dear Fellow Toastmasters,
Thanks to Ms. Angel Hung and Taichung Central Japanese Tastmasters Club
as well as members in Division F, we had a very successful joint meeting
ysterday in Taichung. The Japanese, Mandarin & Taiwanese Joint Meeting
was witnessed by more than 90 participants and was full of fun and
learning opportunity.
Matsuo San, President of Taichung Central Japanese Toastmasters Club,
opened the meeting with Mandarin to show his warmest welcome to guests
and members from Div. F. The meeting was smoothly conducted by Ms. Huang
Li-Feng, Toastmaster of the Meeting. Meeting roles were clearly
explained by narrator Ms. Huang Su-Yuan, Asst. Div. Governor Education
of Div. F. Excellent manual speeches, witty table topics speeches, and
constructive evaluations were well presented in three languages.
September birthday girls and boys were warmly greeted by everyone during
the intermission. Once again, it proves that Toastmasters is really a
happy family, a place worth being in.
台中中央日本語演說會的松尾會長特別用中文宣佈聯合例會的開始來表達他對來賓與 F部會友們熱誠的歡迎,例會在黃麗芬會友的主持下順利又流暢的進行,F部教育副總監黃淑媛會友清楚的為來賓們介紹例會中各個角色的功能與意義。優異的備稿演講、充滿機智的即席回答、以及富建設性的講評全都安排使用三種語言完整地表現,中場休息時間大家共同為九月份的壽星們獻上最誠摯的祝福,這一切都讓人深刻感受到演講協會是一個值得參與的大家庭
Let's hope that there will be more people become Toastmasters Members.
Grace Shih 施惠芳 謹上
LGM 2009-10 推廣副總會長 |