District Convention will be changed to District Conference





District Convention will be changed to District Conference


Dear Leaders and members,|

Due to all paper records in Toastmasters’ manuals, handbooks or other materials are using the official name of District annual gathering as District “Conference” (Only international annual gathering use the name as “Convention” and only some Districts misused District “Convention” today), moreover, WHQ also suggested us to use “Conference” as our annual gathering, so, after deep discussion and consideration, our Top-3 has a common consensus to announce that the name of our annual gathering as Spring and Fall "Conference" in the future. |
因為所有的國際演講會之教育手册,幹部手册及其他資料的正式記載,對地區總會每年的集會,都使用”Conference” 而非”Convention”(只有國際總會的年度集會使用Convention”,今天也只有少數幾個地區總會仍誤用”Convention”),甚至,總部也建議我們更改。因此,經過我們三位正副總會長的深思熟慮後,我們已取得共識,決定公告今後我們的年度大會(地區總會秋季或春季大會)改為”District Conference

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation|

James Lin,   DTM, DG     2009-2010
Mike Yang, DTM, LGET 2009-2010
Grace Shih, DTM LGM    2009-2010