






Dear club presidents,

District 67 is having a big difficulty now, and only with your help can we overcome it.

For eight years our District was always recognized as Distinguished District. However, this year we're in danger of losing this honor.

Last year we established 21 new clubs and the total number of our members reached 6500, a historical high record. This year if we want to get the Distinguished District Program Award, we must reach the minimum required membership number of 6630 (i.e. 6500 + 2% growth).

So far we only have 6075 members, a short of 555 members for basic DDP membership requirement.

Fellow members of District 67, I trust you all cherish the honor of being in a Distinguished District. If we win the award again this year, we'll  have had the same award for nine consecutive years. What a great honor it would be! The leaders of other Districts would pay a great salute to us, and that would make us feel so proud of ourselves.

So my dear leaders and members, let's roll up our sleeves and start working. Let's do our best to invite more people to join us.

Let's hope that by the end of June, we'll not only have 6630 members. We might have even more.


連續八年,我們都得到「傑出地區總會」的榮銜,我們引以為榮。由於去年創了 21 個新分會,全國總人數增加到 6,500 (以二次半年費繳交人數再加上 456 月的新會友人數的總和)。這是 50 年來的新高。也是今年我們所面臨的挑戰。

如果我們今年要得到「傑出地區總會」的榮銜,必要條件是:會員人數要再成長百分之二,也就是6,630人。可是截至四月十二日為止,全國總人數為 6,075人,尚不足 555人。


(1) 每個分會在 456 月這個半月期間,至少召募 5 個新會員

(2) 截至目前為止,全國有 67 分會,其會員人數未達 20 人。其中有 22 個分會會員人數不到 10個。請這 67 個分會加油,務必在 6月底前將會員人數增加到 20人。

(3) F6 區的三個分會急需大家的關心。這三個分會(演說家進階、桃園台語及實踐家)是去年才成立的。現在這個區的三個分會全部會員加起來只有 13人,而其中一個分會(實踐家演講會)已經陣亡了。請大家多多協助其他二個分會成長。

(4) 新會員入會後,請儘速呈報新會員名單到世界總會。

(5) 3月未繳會費的分會及會員請儘速補繳。

(6) 邀請資深,但目前尚未繳費的會員以及前會長,趕快繳會,重新恢復會籍。

(7) 創立新分會

台灣地區總會是我們共同的家。有您相挺,這個家才會發光、發亮,也才會更溫暖。如果每個分會都能完成上述項目標,相信我們可以達成今年度的會員目標---6月底前增加 555 個新會員,讓總會成為傑出地區總會。 


總會長 蕭敏環 敬上
